I went to bed right after to replying to Frannie's post and was I surprised to see so many comments here this morning!
He now has to have regular testosterone injections, once every 6 months, and he says just after the injection he is full of blind confidence. He could easily go out and pick a fist fight. As the hormone wears off he becomes more sensitive and caring.
Thanks for the info Katie! How interesting what differences there actually are in this. I never knew that it would be so pronounced!
***There's a major "goings on" one of the other JW boards....but this poster was unbelievable. She was a biatch on wheels. It can be male or female.
Evil, the only other board I post at are at Beliefnet, and over there if you aren't sitting up straight in your chair or making sure you're hair is combed before you post---you get either "spoken to" to deleted. I was censored for using the term "blindsheep" in referring to the majority of JW posters that comment on the JW Debate board!
*** I think sometimes people forget sitting in front of a keyboard that what they say has real impact and can hurt. Of course with the limitations of written word sometimes sarcasm is lost on people and taken too seriously as well.
I think you are being kind! I tend to feel that they are fully aware of the fact they ARE using a keyboard to say what they gotta say and making sure that their nastiness and harsh opinions are there for everyone to absorb. The enjoy using this means to hide behind it. I agree about the sarcasm! Sometimes it's so subtle that I stand there scratching my head and wondering just what was meant by saying something or other. It has been known to get past me on a bad day, LOL!
***But by and by I think people behave relatively well. But there are some bad apples.
For the most part I think so too. But the vicious ones seem to jump out at us which is a shame. There are a couple that only seem to come on to post a contrary opinion for that sake alone, just to irritate everyone who has previously posted. This occurs most often on the paranormal or psychic type threads---you don't see their names for months---until some starts one of these threads and they appear out of the woodwork!
***Gretchen I agree with you on the pedophile thread, it's absolutely disgusting....yet it runs on and on and on.
As do I! That's why I haven't posted there in a few days. A bigot is a bigot is a bigot and continuing the folly of one is an exercise in futility.
***Gratefully, when I'm not pleased with something I've had mods that I've been able to discuss it with.
Yes, same with me, although it has only happened once! Although my feathers (or fur) was ruffed for the moment, it worked out okay and I saw the reason for my "punishment" (grin) I KNOW I wouldn't last long on an uncensored board though! When get tired of the rigidity of B-net, I don't even go there for months, so I do appreciate the way things are run here----a good contrast between too little and too much!