pediphile sentenced to 424 yrs released after just 5 yrs

by candidlynuts 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • avishai

    Uhh, Old hippie, why don't you look up pedophile recidivism? Why don't you do a google search about Joseph Edward Duncan III? Pedophile's ruin people's live's, those children's "sentences" NEVER end!!! The man raped FOUR CHILDREN GODDAMIT!! AT LEAST!! On average, by the time they are caught, a pedophile has molested at least 50 kids!

    They cannot be fixed, rehabilitated, OK? Period!! Do you have kids? Yeah, it would be nice if they could, but they can't. I think that life imprisonment would be fine for child molesters.

    Personally, I'd rather the money used to house these guys be used for counseling for their victims instead.

  • Sparkplug

    TheOldHippie- Did you miss that he was so bad that he had 424 years as a scentence. This was no confused young child offender.....? WTF??

  • avishai

    Great point, Sprakplug. This guy is 63 years old. Likely in his fifties when he was raping little boys, oldhippie. He knew better, OK?

  • stillconcerned

    Recidivism among convicted sex offenders is higher than 90% in the lower 48, where records have been kept since 1983.

    That means CONVICTED for a subsequent offense.


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