How would you describe this site and primarily, why are you on here?
Describe JWD For Someone Who Might Be Inclined To Check It Out
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
JWD is a place where you can say what you want about your experience with the Jehovah Witnesses, without being afraid of the elders coming after you.
Its a haven for anyone who is no longer a Jehovahs Witness.
JWD -It's like Sodom and Gomorrah all rolled into one ...
Where ex JWs bitch about JWs.
If you're REALLY serious about learning all that the Watchtower teaches/taught, here is the place...
Minimus - how is Minimum?
I would describe JWD as a cool, breezy shade tree for those who have been burned from too much "New Light"..
Its a place where you learn things you never knew would be possible in the organization. And for so many people on the Jwd, its a small world when you find out there are people on here from your own congregation too! A place to meet truely nice people and make new friends!
If its a JW: Terrific place to enjoy upbuilding conversation with like-minded ones!
If its an ex JW: Haven for nasty apostates and un-repentant fornicating smurf lovers.
This place is actually nicer than ever before, imo. Less arguments and more getting along. Mods are "moderate". It's the best place to learn about how JWs and exes interact and share.