Describe JWD For Someone Who Might Be Inclined To Check It Out

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    It's a place where jws can come and learn what jws really are and even learn of their corrupt teachings.

  • minimus

    It's a place where personalities rule (from week to week).

  • undercover

    An ex-JW message board where anyone is welcome to discuss the doctrines of the WTS and the problems that face it since none of their predictions have come true. It's also a place where many ex and current JWs relate experiences suffered and/or enjoyed while in the JWs, sort of like group therapy.

  • minimus

    ....yes. this is therapy for many.

  • delilah

    i find it like a breath of fresh be amongst people who have experienced similar ordeals from being a JW. Where one can vent, and really be heard. and for the most part, not be judged for believing a different way, other than what we were told to believe in the borg. Also, it's not always serious talk here, you can have some good laughs....and send heartfelt condolences to those in need of a cyber-hug.

    thanks to those who made this site possible.....Delilah

  • Honesty


    Where the sheep and the goats mingle and feed together.

  • misspeaches

    LOL... A little off topic. I read the subject for this thread and without even checking I could tell immediately that it was started by you Minimus!!! You wanna throw us off sometime...?

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    JWD Forum = the place to go to find out that "apostasy" is only "a pause to see"

    Lots of real eye-opening threads to learn the truth about the "truth"

    Real fellowship with fellow xdubs, not your faux-love by dubs

    You can be selective about the subjects you decide to participate in discussing. It isn't like a KH, where you MUST listen to the same old regurgitated and overchewed cud.

    People are allowed to be human on JWD and to make mistakes, because most that come here aren't judgMENTAL.

    Many, many fine, caring, warm, down-to-earth individuals, including gifted brainiacs that can tell you AND prove the veracity of their answer to anything you question about the WT-BATS and its teaching, doctrines & practices.

    And that's why I'm here,'s kinda like an xdubs-anonymous. Very supportive.


  • LouBelle

    a place where everyone has the freedome to express their opinion & there's no guilt attahced. Neither are there threats of death.

  • minimus

    Misspeaches, You're just too smart, that's all. :)

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