A continuation of defd's discussion

by cruzanheart 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    defd is here "cuz the devil made him do it"

    thank you Flip Wilson

  • peggy

    Trevor-----I almost didn't recognize you. Your avatar changed and so did the tone of your replies to def'd. You asked a good question, one for all to ponder. "We find it hard to understand how you are able to reject the Watchtower Society's advice and at the same time claim to follow it"? I think I realized some time ago that I reject rules, laws, advice, possibly even prophetic interpretation of the WT. The pain of sitting and listening to something that you question or may even completely disagree with is unbearable. I questioned my spirituality when these questions first surfaced, I even question my sanity. Fear-------oh yes! Had SATAN finally got me, after all these years. Still don't have the answers. Trevor------you displayed compassion, while still asking valid questions.


  • willyloman
    I questioned my spirituality when these questions first surfaced, I even question my sanity. Fear-------oh yes! Had SATAN finally got me, after all these years. Still don't have the answers.

    We had the same issues when we left, but my wife sums it up this way:

    If I have to answer for my actions somewhere downstream, then I'm counting on a loving and merciful God, the one I came to know and talk with every day. If I get the petty, vindictive Watchtower god, I'm screwed. But I'm betting on the good one.

  • trevor


    Thank you for your comments. Yes, I have changed my avatar and now appear as myself.

    You seem surprised that I can show compassion. I have been around for quite a while now and made many posts. Some have been a bit harsh, some complete rubbish and a some have been thoughtful and compassionate.

    Like all real people my responses are influence by many factors including my own emotions and moods. I think I speak for most people here when I say; Leaving behind a way of life, our faith, hope and being shunned by those we love changes us and increases ability to feel compassion but at the same time it makes us hard and at times angry. This sometimes leaks out in the posts we make.

    I hope you find what you are looking for here. Welcome to the board!

  • peggy

    Trevor-------Thanks for explaining. I completely understand! If you will remember, I had some rather harsh words for you in the "question of conscience" post. Your words TRIGGERED such ANGER. So much so that I had to stop and think about why I was having this reaction! I am really in a time of change, and change is frightening. Still the "WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE" comment touched a NERVE! LOL

    Willyloman-------Thanks for sharing the experience of your wife and yourself. It helped validate my own feelings. Your last thought is the conclusion I am striving for!

    defd--------The frustration and confusion you obviously present in your posts will lead you to the best place for YOU!

  • Eyebrow2

    I was raised a witness from about 4 or 5 years on up...I was fairly obedient until I was about 16 or 17....I was obeying most of the rules (no one is perfect) I went out in service when I could as a kid (spent my entire summer when I was 12 in field service, even thoug that meant me riding my bike to the hall because my mom didn't have a car)...

    You know, it is hard when you are taught to obey, obey, obey..because the WTS says too..and then find yourself as a teenager. I had to make non religious decisions, and my mother would tell me I had to make up my own mind about things. Where was the direction in thinking for myself? It was hard...my mother meant well..she is a sweet, kind woman. If majority of witnesses were like here it WOULD be the truth...but I digress.

    Talk about being confused...what a tough time.

    I have to comment that most of the kids my age in the KH WERE leading a double life, some serious stuff. I remember going over a friends house, and she had another friend come over and they would crank call people and swear, etc. I was shocked, and really upset...because of course I thought all witness kids that went to the hall were good associations..but then I keep seeing more and more of it. A few were dfd...a few just faded away, and a couple stayed.

    I left when my son was 7. I have become a much better parent, I think, since leaving. My husband and I have worked very hard to give my son a moral compass, if you well, and I am very proud the way he and his sisters have turned out so far. AND he is the kindest teenage boy that I know...of course I am not objective, but he believes people should take care of each other, not becauses of God, but becuase it is the RIGHT thing to do.

    Remember how Jesus said his yoke was light? Well maybe Jesus' yoke is, but the WTS' yoke is NOT. It is burdesome for parents and children. Showing unconditional love and living a moral life goes a lot farther than imposing rules and regulations of a manmade organization on children.

  • LouBelle

    I don't know if any of you guys know of a great crickerteer named Hansie Cronje - He was our South African Cricket Captain - He would take bribes to fix/tip on matches - he went to trial for it and blamed satan for LURING him into it. So Maybe that Someone you are refering to is Satan

    You still haven't answered Trever yet......

    oh and very typical JW behaviour - say one thing and totally deny that you ever did.


    Defd, I'm not going to hound you.

    But I will ask you to check out this link, from a supervised little girl who wrote about her grandfather (former JW) and his tragic death.

    It brought tears to my eyes, in fact it made me bawl.

    Take a peek at this thread. No post or follow-up is necessary, but there's enough information there to enable you to be impressed by parental finesse:


    Take a look at it. Those of you who are newer to this forum, may need a tissue or two. Be ready, this one is heavy.

    ((((Chris & Nina)))) I had to bring that one back up. Hope you didn't mind.

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