From personal experience, as one who endured over 50 years of TYRANNICAL BULLYING and LYING MANIPULATION (until the perpetrator died), stopping only short of physical force (but included violating laws against my person in the name of WTS), to go to meetings, etceteras, etceteras, I can tell you that NO MATTER WHAT THE SCRIPTURAL ADMONITION IS it is better to just BACK OFF and let the individual TARGETED exercise his GOD GIVEN (even by JW’s teaching) FREE MORAL AGENCY.
If you have other plans/ideas for your offspring than they will perform, TOO BAD!!!
If such is the case, you will have to GET OUT AND PUSH: can you shoulder their burden for them?
I don’t think god would allow that, so wake up.
God is smarter than you: he wants a WILLING participant.
Who does God’s will minus the Warped Tract Solicitors