The oldest manuscripts are not considered the most reliable.
There are no "autograph" texts. None.
There are no "original" manuscripts.
No two manuscripts agree.
The Bible as we know it only came together in the form it now holds because certain men decided it should do so.
Neither Jesus nor his apostles or disciples carried bibles.
The Apostle Paul didn't carry a bible and none of his letters were in any of the scrolls considered Holy Scripture at the time he was preaching and forming Christian theology as it is now understood to be.
Largely, what the Bible IS TODAY, is the result of certain men with certain agendas who had the authority to make their project happen. They also had the power to destroy writings which did not agree with their agenda. Any who disagreed with the conclusions of these powerful men, in the case of the Councils convened by Constantine, were harried, persecuted and abused by the majority.
Did you know these councils and their orthodoxy constantly shifted from one extreme to another? One day Arius might be on top and soon after Athanasius might be considered afoul of the "truth" of doctrine. Or, the reverse!
And yet, the men who attended important policy meetings invoked by the Christian Emperor (self-styled) were often devout men scarred from persecution and lamed or blinded by their righteous stand against impure Roman policy. THEY COULDN'T AGREE with each other!
How could their differences of opinion be reconciled? Only by force; only by decree; only by the certitude of Authority.
Largely, what non-Catholic believers in Christianity hold to be the inerrent word of Divine Authority is the result of the Catholic bishops and their representations.
The Synod of Laodecia and the ratification by the Synod of Carthage gave us the final form of what is held today in the hands of millions of Christians.
Among the many many struggles, arguments, opinions and battles that took place to establish an orthodoxy concering which writings were to be included and excluded it was never a clear-cut case of proof; only assertions that flew about. It is all guesswork and politics.
The majority of Christians for a thousand years could not even read the Bible! They either did what they were told by Priests and Bishops or they exchanged opinions about what scripture was purported to say. It was a totem; a magic book and a supernatural icon.
Until the Bible was translated into language the average person could read and understand the Dark Ages held mankind in the grip of supernatural awe and fear of invisible forces and mysterious laws unknown.
Soon after, however, men began to question authority of scripture. (At their peril!)
The so-called Age of Enlightenment followed fast upon the ability of men to think for themselves at last. The Age of Reason, the Renaissance and the Age of Science brought mankind into a new era of advancement, longer lives, understanding of what health consisted of and how to protect themselves from contagions. Labor saving devices gave men leisure time to read and learn and develop their minds once chained to the drudgery of a workaday labor.
The Protestant Reformation split off the power of the single institution of Catholicism. The Catholic and Byzantine Church had been the only authority to rule the minds of men until that time.
Confident Protestants brought science to bear upon scripture, so confident were they that it would stand all tests of purity and holiness.
The Church launched its own strikeforce of intellectuals to meet the onslaught.
Both branches of Christianity reeled from the blows of what followed!
It soon became clear it had all been a tissue of fabrications as to the integrity of the texts!
The Documentary Hypothesis soon followed and earnest research by archaeologists and semanticists began to unravel the tangled skein that was once the terra firma of belief.
Today we have thousands of Bible Scholars tripping over each other on both sides of many issues of what constitutes the ACTUAL word of God.
The Jesus Seminar on the one hand and the hardcore inerrency specialists on the other in a tug of war over the same issues: Who really was Jesus? What is the true messege of Christianity? What is the mind of God as revealed in various holy texts. How can we know what we believe is true.
The matters are not settled matters at all!
It is a matter that is beset by opinions just as it was in the 3rd Century with blasts of savage hubris on both sides.
The words are in dispute. The texts cannot prove what they purport to prove because the words and the texts cannot be established.
We only have the insistence of experts from a certain persuasion who will shake his finger in your face in his classroom and inculcate future theologians with a fixed point of view.
The battle continues.