Is Terry COMF incognito?
I think what we have today as The Bible is pretty accurate, as far as textual criticism goes. The book itself disproves its authenticity.
by Terry 79 Replies latest jw friends
Is Terry COMF incognito?
I think what we have today as The Bible is pretty accurate, as far as textual criticism goes. The book itself disproves its authenticity.
Is Terry COMF incognito?
Is Terry COMF incognito?
doesn't sound good does it? I remember when someone wondered if I was JCannon incognito, yikes!
p.s. 2 peter 3:16...Paul's letters and epistles seem to be considered scripture in the early church.
Kummel presents the arguments that make all critical scholars recognize that II Peter is a pseudepigraph (Introduction to the New Testament, pp. 430-4):
1. The literary dependence on Jude rules this out. II Pet 1 and 3 already have a number of contacts with Jude: cf. II Pet 1:5 with Jude 3; II Pet 1:12 with Jude 5; II Pet 3:2 f with Jude 17 f; II Pet 3:14 with Jude 24; II Pet 3:18 with Jude 25. The most striking agreements with Jude are shown in the portrayal of the false teachers in II Pet 2 and also in the illustrations based on the OT and the pictures drawn from nature, agreements in the exact wording and extensive agreements in sequence. The false teachers deny the Lord Christ and lead a dissolute life (II Pet 2:1 f = Jude 4), they despise and blaspheme the good angelic powers (II Pet 2:10 f = Jude 8 f), they speak in high-handed fashion ( uperogka ; II Pet 2:18 = Jude 16), they are blotches on the communal meal ( spigoi suneuwcwmenoi ; II Pet 2:13 = Jude 12), they are clouds tossed about by the wind, devoid of water, for whom the gloom of darkness is reserved (II Pet 2:17 = Jude 12 f), they are denounced for their fleshly corruption and their unrestrained mode of life (II Pet 2:10, 12 ff, 18 = Jude 7 f, 10, 12, 16). The sequence of examples of punishment from the OT in Jude 5 ff (Israel in the desert, fallen angels, Sodom and Gomorrah) is arranged in historical order in II Pet 2:4 ff and modified (fallen angels, Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah) because the author of II Pet needs the example of the Flood to combat the deniers of the parousia. The general statement in II Pet 2:11 makes sense only if note has been made of the concrete example mentioned in Jude 9. The image in Jude 12 f is more genuine and more plastic than the parallel in II Pet 2:17.
God Terry, you missed out on one the greatest people to ever grace these boards, let alone planet Earth. Captain Of My Fate was his name (thus COMF). Those of us (and there were many) who considered him a close friend called him Fred. I sure hope he's doing great these days.
by William Ernest Henley; 1849-1903
- I am the master of my fate;
- I am the captain of my soul.
I guess he switched these around to become Captain of my Fate. What do you think? Terry
I think it will always come down to being a matter of faith. The godly inspiration of the bible or even god himself cannot be proven, only believed. I was taught from infancy that the bible was inerrant and the faithful slave was god's channel of communication. Both of these claims proved to be false. So I have no basis for faith in these things.
Terry, you have it exactly right. I miss ol' Fred. You're a lot like him. :)
in spite of the fact that this generation has taken it upon itself to exhaust all of the "spiritual capital" laid up for us by God-fearing forefathers, in spite of this...
the message to the church remains the same....But holding the truth in the spirit of love, we shall grow into complete union with Him who is our head - Christ Himself. for from Him the whole body closely joined and knit together by the contact of every part with the source of its life (Christ), derives its power to grow, in proportion to the vigor of each individual part; and so is built up in a spirit of love. (Eph4:15-16)
Why can't you accept a gift from God, given in the spirit of love? Lots of people do, it isn't painful unless you hook up with others that claim to have the spirit of love and don't(read WBTS). I can understand where you're coming from though because I can see that the WBTS has in effect turned 1000's of people away from God and at the same time taken away any "spiritual authority" that the Bible, the church, ministers, even well meaning friends might have. You have been abandoned and cast out like a blood covered baby in the "worldly" streets. Is that the love of Christ? No! And because you were a baby and had no help to grow up, you had no power to resist all the devil's craftiness.For our fight is not against any physical enemy: it is against organizations and powers that are spiritual. We are up against the UNSEEN power that controls this dark world, and spiritual agents from the very headquarters of evil.
love michelle
many have followed along with satan's may have left his org. because it wasn't true....but you certainly didn't escape fell into his trap called unbelief. Sure he broke down any defense you had and did a thorough job. You may not have even resisted to the point of inconvenience, but the Lord resisted to the point of blood, FOR YOU.(Heb12:1-4) Now that's true love.
Terry,Why can't you accept a gift from God, given in the spirit of love? Lots of people do, it isn't painful unless you hook up with others that claim to have the spirit of love and don't(read WBTS). I can understand where you're coming from though because I can see that the WBTS has in effect turned 1000's of people away from God and at the same time taken away any "spiritual authority" that the Bible, the church, ministers, even well meaning friends might have. You have been abandoned and cast out like a blood covered baby in the "worldly" streets. Is that the love of Christ? No! And because you were a baby and had no help to grow up, you had no power to resist all the devil's craftiness.For our fight is not against any physical enemy: it is against organizations and powers that are spiritual. We are up against the UNSEEN power that controls this dark world, and spiritual agents from the very headquarters of evil.
God seems to be the one with the bad attitude.
Who finds human behavior offensive? The creator.
Who chose to get His knickers in a twist and hold a grudge for thousands of generations? God.
Who came up with the crackin' good plan of killing animals and pouring out blood to gain forgiveness for a small tribe of Jews? Why, God, of course.
Who thinks the best rescue (from His own temper, by the way) plan is watching an innocent person (his own son) get brutalized and snuffed and then require reverence for the carnage as the key to escape? Yep, God.
Everywhere the Master Plan reveals the master behind it. I'm finding it repugnant and in no way drawn to it.
For one thing it is silly and ineffective as a Plan; frought with unnecessary complexities and bizare twists of logic it reflects more the ruminations of lousy dimestore novelists than the revelation of the Superior Mind at work.
I am a Father. I have 7 children. If I was angry with their conduct I'D NEVER KILL THEM. I provide therapy. 6,000+ years of senseless struggles isn't therapy; it is sadism.
If one of my children fell into a well I wouldn't drop instructions for building a ladder on their head.
If one of my kids badly needed lifesaving medicine I wouldn't send them to the Pharmacy with an illegible scribble for the prescription and trust that "somehow" all things would work out well.
I'm not attracted to this chaos no matter how pretty a ribbon is tied on top of it.
Thanks, but, no thanks.