keep her alive til 5!

by Crumpet 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    I put this on "friends" cos I think you are!

    Mr C(crumpet) has gone away on holiday until Sunday at 5. I am all alone and with £8.00 to last me the whole time from now until then. I think I am going to feel lonely - in fact I am already - so this is an open thread. Vent, flirt, grope (as seems current board tradition), preach (if you must), but just pleaase, keep me alive and sane for the next 5 days and I WILL SURVIVE.

    (any updates from Miss Ellie's baby very welcome in deed on this thread.)

    Thanks in anticpation - I need you!

    Any ideas on how I keep myself out of trouble, from personal experience?

  • LittleToe

    Drink plenty of water.

    It may or nay not be good for your health, and cheap. but it'll kill time with all the trips to the toilet

  • damselfly

    I tend to pace if left alone with nothing to do. If you like baths then this is for you.

    Go the cupboard and get some brown sugar and oil, mix in bowl 2 parts sugar to 1 part oil. Proceed to bath. Fill tub till nice and full and hot. Stand in tub and take your sugar mix and scrub all over letting the rest fall into the water. Sink into bath and enjoy with glass of wine while your best music plays really loud so you can sing along.


  • Goldminer

    Poor little girl! All alone until Sunday with hardly any money and already bored.Sounds like a recipe for trouble.Maybe you should start by attending the meeting tonight,then a little service tomorrow morning,the book study on Thursday night,Friday to catch your breath and back out in service Saturday morning,the Watchtower on Sunday morning and wow,your honey's home already!

    I'm just kidding Crumpet,I'm sure you can't find something a lot more interesting to occupy your time.Have a good one.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Ok. What's FREE in your town? Parks, walks, feed the birds stale bread, bike rides, picnic lunches. Play tourist and visit any or all outdoor art, parks, fountains, facinating buildings, etc.

  • sonnyboy

    Just do a lot of posting and ration your food.

  • Crumpet

    Thank you LT as first respondee - despite your slyness! cheeky monk! I drink lots of water thanks.

    damsel can I use white sugar? there is no brown! I don't use sugar unless it ne the fermented variety! But yes I shall be doing that especially since my neighbours are on hols too so won;t mind me singing along to tijkimos latest collab with merry magdalene .

    Goldminer if the worst comes to the worst I shall follow your suggestions - the hall local to me is on the way to the local swimming pool. I hope it doesn;t get that bad!

  • Ellie

    Go to the library and find yourself a good book and just make the most of the peace and quiet.

  • Crumpet

    thank you - the goodman left me food sonnyboy.

    and Ellie - i have lots and lots of excellent books, but i have a yearning for some friendly and flirtatious human contact too in between the bathing in oil and sugar and swallowing vast quanitities of water.

    If i can do some agony aunting that would helop distract me - it always works well for me not to be thinking of myself and unravelling other people's little pecadillos or problems.

    (Miss Ellie - what do you like to read - when you get chance with your blossoming family?)

    brenda - thank you i shall probably follow many of those suggestions - i live in a village - and if I can let any of me precious bread go stale I shall spread the "wealth" around the ducks! There is also a free museum in the next town away. I am occupied during the day - full time work.

  • Ellie

    I like to read all sorts of books although you are right I don't get much time at the moment, any spare time I do get I spend on jwd, the best book I read recently was 'A Boy Called It', a little depressing but well worth a look at.

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