In view of current developments it may be useful to some who have come to the child abuse issue only recently to highlight the Watchtower Society's instructions to elders.
In a letter to BOE dated November 1, 1995 they make the incriminating statement "It is important to first obtain the Society's direction to protect both the elders and the organisation."
Incriminating? Yes, for they show clearly what is most important to them. The elders are being instructed in loyalty to the organisation to protect it foremost.
Note too this statement "Still, whether or not the accusation is reported to the authorities, when it is established that a member of the congregation is guilty of child abuse, appropriate steps should be taken in keeping with intial direction from the Society." Note here the expressions "whether or not the accusation is reported to the authorities". Also "in keeping with initial direction from the Society."
It seems that the Society acknowledged there were child abusers still in the congregations for they state to the elders "Thus, they would want to take steps to protect a child abuse victim when a judicial committee determines that the child molester is repentent and will remain a member of the Christian congregation." (italics added)
Later letters of instruction were sent to BOE in 1997 and 1998.
Undoubtedly the Society intended for the publishers to 'go to the elders'. Will the Society now protect elders who have been following directions?
Do elders now feel quite so qualified to stand in the place of the 'superior authorities' who, interestingly, have been given as God's minister to us?
"You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?