Excellent comments on this thread!
The Society may well try to use elders as a scapegoat, but this would assuredly backfire. Elders are the low-level managers without which the JW organization could not function. Almost all available elder material is already in use. By using elders as a scapegoat, the Society would cause a great many to resign, thus worsening an already bad situation. Whatever elders remain will know for certain that if the going gets rough, the Society will abandon them, and so they will generally have far less loyalty to the Society than before, or enthusiasm for doing what they're told. The Society knows this, and so if they try this tack, they'll be walking a tightrope.
An alternative is that there will be a schism at the top, and the faction that perceives itself as having been on the right side of the molestation issue will act against the opposite faction. Under this scenario, men like Ted Jaracz and his cronies would be ousted from power or even disfellowshipped. This is not an unlikely scenario, in my opinion, because it would lay the blame squarely where it truly lies, and in the eyes of true believer type JWs, would explain the many problems their organization has been having as due to lack of holy spirit due to God's withdrawing it because of rampant corruption at the top. I.e., this is a doctrinally plausible scenario, given the many biblical examples where corruption of leaders led to God's disapproval on the whole group.