and sent Adam back to orbit again.
by badboy 16 Replies latest jw friends
And that is why today men have their heads in the clouds - Adam fell upwards, and through adam falling upwards, all men fall upwards, and so all men fell up......back into orbit as min put it.
I have heard of the expression "getting kicked upstairs" but that pertains to getting a promotion.
In Adam's case he got kicked out! -
Actually, Russell did not claim that Adam "fell upwards". He said that evolutionists claim that Adam, or our ancestors "fell upwards", that we are in a better state today than in the beginning, but this is a notion that Russell him, the Fall was not a "fall upwards". Here is a reference to this notion in a discussion of ex-Baptist minister Charles H. Spurgeon, whose sermons were very popular at the time and who Russell praised for leaving the Baptists:
*** ZWT, February 1888, p. 2 ****
This is just where Mr. Spurgeon and the congregation he ministers to stand: They have withdrawn from the "Baptist Union" and stand independent. For this others blame Brother Spurgeon, while we commend his steps. He does not see all the truth as we see it yet, but now that he is free and has taken a bold stand, if he follows on, he will soon see more and more light--until the perfect day. That we correctly state Mr. Spurgeon will we think be apparent from the following abstract from the Sword and Trowel, a paper which he publishes.
In it he has written: "The case is mournful. Certain ministers are making infidels. Avowed infidels are not a tenth as dangerous as those preachers who scatter doubt, and stab at faith." In these remarks Mr. Spurgeon evidently refers to the same class in its many forms so often reproved (Eph. 5:11) in the TOWER, who reject the inspiration of the Bible, laugh at the stories of the flood and of Balaam's speaking ass, and Jonah and the fish, etc.; who declare with great show of worldly wisdom that Adam's fall must have been upward, and who, denying the original sin and its penalty, see no reason to believe in a redemption from that fall by the precious blood of Christ, and who consequently deny the ransom, and claim that our Lord was merely a good example, and that the whole world in God's order is being evolved from lower to higher conditions, and that all will finally be saved irrespective of faith and obedience to a "historic Christ." This error, as we have shown, is spreading into all the pulpits and pews of "Christendom" rapidly, being helped along by the false views hitherto held concerning the wages of sin and the character of our Lord's ransom-sacrifice. That Mr. Spurgeon is opposing this same class, is evident from the following quotations from his paper.
I fall up the stairs often its really horrid !!!!!!!
*** ZWT, February 1888, p. 2 ****
This is just where Mr. Spurgeon and the congregation he ministers to stand: They have withdrawn from the "Baptist Union" and stand independent. For this others blame Brother Spurgeon, while we commend his steps. He does not see all the truth as we see it yet, but now that he is free and has taken a bold stand, if he follows on, he will soon see more and more light--until the perfect day. That we correctly state Mr. Spurgeon will we think be apparent from the following abstract from the Sword and Trowel, a paper which he publishes.
In it he has written: "The case is mournful. Certain ministers are making infidels. Avowed infidels are not a tenth as dangerous as those preachers who scatter doubt, and stab at faith." In these remarks Mr. Spurgeon evidently refers to the same class in its many forms so often reproved (Eph. 5:11) in the TOWER, who reject the inspiration of the Bible, laugh at the stories of the flood and of Balaam's speaking ass, and Jonah and the fish, etc.; who declare with great show of worldly wisdom that Adam's fall must have been upward, and who, denying the original sin and its penalty, see no reason to believe in a redemption from that fall by the precious blood of Christ, and who consequently deny the ransom, and claim that our Lord was merely a good example, and that the whole world in God's order is being evolved from lower to higher conditions, and that all will finally be saved irrespective of faith and obedience to a "historic Christ." This error, as we have shown, is spreading into all the pulpits and pews of "Christendom" rapidly, being helped along by the false views hitherto held concerning the wages of sin and the character of our Lord's ransom-sacrifice. That Mr. Spurgeon is opposing this same class, is evident from the following quotations from his paper.
How cool!!! They wrote an article about me!
-Elsewhere, of the Falling Upward Class