Demonic exorcism by a JW elder

by out of the box 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    We moved into an apartment on the 2nd floor. We were JWs at the time, and the family on the first floor under us was studying.

    The girl downstairs started hearing noises during the night and finally hearing steps up to the side of her bed. She was so scared she hadn't slept in a while and was so tired. We kept our back doors open to a common back hall. I started to lock it.

    I loved wooden things and the girl downstairs gave me a string of wooden beads she had found in the basement. I cleaned them up and put them in a built in cupboard in the dining room. This room was near where our master bedroom was. The doors were near each other. I was awakened that night with the sound like that of rattling beads. I walked all over the 7 room apartment trying to hear the source of the noise. I ended up near that built in cabinet. The beads were vibrating in the glass bowl! I could not see them vibrating, but could hear them. I picked them up, opened the back door, and went out onto the porch and thew them onto the ground below. All was quiet that night, I could feel that the 'source' of the noise was gone.

    The next day I explained to my JW husband, the neighbors and we discussed what to do. My JW husband called an elder and he told us to check anything we had bought recently from a yard sale, etc. We searched the house. Nothing fit that discription. Then we all went together to search the basement.

    It had a dirty floor and very unkept areas and many dark corners. We had to get lots of light in there to see. There was cobwebs everywhere but no sign of anything stored down there but old things broken up. We cleaned it all up. By this time another day went by. I went upstairs to lay down in the afternoon while the others were busy with getting rid of the stuff. I head someone come up the stairs plain as day, I had my back to the door, I got real cold, I thought it was my nerves. I waited till the steps reached beside my bed behind me and I turned around real quick expecting to see my husband, and there was no one there. I had a chill and the hairs on my body were standing up! I just froze. I waited, and slowly the feeling of presence in the room 'left'.

    I ran downstairs and told everyone! We went back to the basement and this time something caught my eye. Between two boards that covered the area under the stairs there was something light colored that was catching the light. We got a prybar and pulled the boards off. There was a box of books. They turned out to be Satanic worshiping books. There was all sorts of pictures of sacrifices with goats and male figures wearing a kind of Ox horn hat and mask. There was Beelzebub listed everywhere.

    Anyway, you can imagine how the JWs we were at the time were feeling! We called the elder and he came right over to exorcise the demons! He prayed with us and we lit a fire in the fireplace and all sat around this box and he prayed real loud. He read from some book and then the Bible. We took one book at a time and burned it. One book would not burn!!! We waited and then the picture of Beelzebub that we saw before jumped out of the book onto the floor. (The book had glossy photos glued onto the page so I am sure the glue let go and the photograph is thicker and glossier than the pages in the book, so it burned at a different rate). It scared us so much! I picked it up an put it onto the fire a few times to get it to burn.

    We did this until all the books were burned. The elder said he could feel something was wrong when he came into the house. And when he left, he felt it was taken care of. The lady who owned the house was in a nursing home and had been there for years. The house was rented out through a lawyer. A week after all this happened she died, and we all had to move. We had lived there 1 year before all that came about.

    That couple moved to New Hampshire and the elder (a few years later) poured gasoline all over himself and lit the match! His children found him and thought he was a burnt log inside their barn or garage. I never had another episode or experience involving that kind of spirit since.

    out of the box

  • PaulJ
    The elder said he could feel something was wrong when he came into the house

    I bet he did....

  • Rayvin

    It was the lawyer that was keeping His demons there.

  • sonnyboy

    Whether that's true or not, it gave me the willies. You should write a book.

  • Abaddon

    As demon-strated by The Exorcist, Roman Catholics have more style. Projectile vomit and spinning heads, old-style demons!

  • the_classicist
    As demon-strated by The Exorcist, Roman Catholics have more style. Projectile vomit and spinning heads, old-style demons!

    Don't forget that crab walk down the stairs and the eyes! That was really cool. Or who about the antichrist himself in the Omen. "It's all for you Damien, It's all for you!"

  • tsunami_rid3r

    get out of the dark age. its all mind games. spooky environments can make the head think different. and thats why i hate the dark. i can't see anything, and the unknown is scary. last night my cell phone's light came on for no reason.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    how do we know if there aren't other realms or dimensions out there where creatures unseen reside? could their possibly be a realm with "angels and gods" too complex for us to comprehend? can the ants comprehend us? in an article discussing black holes, it suggests dark energy is contained within these black holes. and there are people out there who say they can tap into this dark energy, such as those who practice witchcraft and black magic.

  • damselfly
    That couple moved to New Hampshire and the elder (a few years later) poured gasoline all over himself and lit the match! His children found him and thought he was a burnt log inside their barn or garage. I never had another episode or experience involving that kind of spirit since.

    Not the ending I was expecting! That's horrible.


  • Cygnus

    Neat stuph. My dad used to tell me stories of exorcisms. Mirrors that would not break even when hit with a 12 lb. sledge. Books that would not burn, or when they would burn faint screams could be heard, perfume bottles that kept re-appearing even after being disposed of or tossed in the river. None of this stuph ever happens to me. :(

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