I was amazed how, in a matter of days after leaving the Org, my heart seemed bigger. I was free to love people - truly love them as they were and without condition.
I was no longer required to sit in judgement of them because they didn't believe as I did. I didn't have to cut off my affection for non-JWs any longer. I wasn't constantly on the defensive in case someone disagreed with me on a "biblical" teaching - and I always had to be on the defense because you never knew when that was going to happen.
I could finally return the affection non-JWs showed me. I didn't have to pretend I was being nice while secretly holding back in my heart because, as I was told, they might look nice but were actually spiritually rotten on the inside.
I recognized how conditional my JW family members' love for me was. I finally understood why I had such a hard time getting my brain wrapped around the idea of unconditional love. (I actually thought it was a pretty "worldly" way of looking at others for a while.)
I am more gracious around others, more patient, able to value the person even if their behavior or opinion drive me up the wall.
I was finally able to love and accept myself instead of using JW standards to measure my worth.
I could be happy. I actually wake up in the morning and am greatful for another day of life.
Anybody else?