Welcome back!
Don't worry, the right question will be posted and we will see your stellar work.
by Narkissos 18 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome back!
Don't worry, the right question will be posted and we will see your stellar work.
Welcome back, Narki,
Welcome Front, too
I have missed you.
Hope the break did wonders for you. See how many of us missed you?
I only took the mandatory French so I hope I don't say something totally whacked, but here goes: Bienvenue! Je suis tres content que tu es retourne.
Welcome back Nark!
Midget ... I understood that. We must have taken the same classes or something.
Glad you are back, Nark!
I am glad you are back! Good to see you.
Thank you all!
To those who asked: I was most of the time in Lyons (S-E France) where my mother (77 y-o) was having heart surgery and subsequent physiotherapy. She managed all right, but it was only the first step as she is bound to have another surgery in the next few months (huge abdominal aneurism). This was the not-so-fun part, however I could manage a few nice vacation days with my daughter in Britanny and in the Alps before and after that, and those were really great.
Celia: I live about 50 km North of Paris, but I was away when you were there. Hope you enjoyed your Parisian time! (Btw I got your e-mail and will answer soon.)
Nina & Chris: Looking forward to meet you in November -- if it doesn't fall on the time of my mother's next surgery, which has not been planned yet.
Midget & Kwin: merci et bravo pour le français!
Narkissos Welcome back:
However JWD was on my mind and I've been thinking of many online friends here -- especially Ian (Dansk) and Mario (UtopianReformist).
Same with me, I've been gone for several weeks. I visited your side of the world for three weeks, just didn't get out of the UK. Seen lots while I was there. and loved every minute of it. Lots left to see on my next visit.
Hope your Mom progresses and does well on her up-coming surgery.
Welcome back! I am yet another who sorely missed your posting. I was afraid you might have gone permanently!