? for any who has been an Ex-JW for many years

by Babykins 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Babykins

    I voluntarily dissasociated myself about 5 1/2 years ago. I did not know anything about the things on the internet I just had a feeling that something was not right and I needed to exercise my right to be free and make free decisions. How happy I was that a year after I dissasociated myself I got on the internet and found a wealth of information and a heck of alot of encouragement.

    Anyway my question is to those who have been out and free before the days of the internet. How did you get the information out to the people in congregations and to the public? I am just wondering how I can help to warn people of this cult. I am already talking to all my friends and telling them what has happened to me. Most of them cannot believe that an organization like that really exists in this day that would actually encourage people to shun their families.

    I was just being curious and thought I would also take this opprotunity to say hello to all. I have been reading the posts for about two weeks and liked what I saw here.


  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Hi Babykins

    Good to talk to you in the chat room yesterday!

    My experience was similar to yours in that I did not really look at the internet until after I disassociated last November. I had the opportunity but not the inclination - too much warning from the society! I was made to feel afraid of the apostates just sitting by their computers just waiting for me to step in - then they would get me....

    For me, the internet has just confirmed what I already suspected, that the JW organisation is seriously flawed. It helps me to see that I have made the right decision and every new fact that I learn about this crazy religion justs confirms that even more.

    I would agree with you when you say that most people cannot believe that an organization like this really exists in this day with regards to shunning. No JW is welcome now on any of my families doorsteps... and believe me... I have a very large family!! It's amazing how word spreads in my family and slowly they stop using the JW builder, the JW plumber, the JW taxi driver, the JW windowcleaner...... They do themselves no favours by using shunning, they just shoot themselves in the foot. It's amazing how powerful word of mouth is! And its certainly cheaper than placing full page advertisements in the local paper!

    Anyway, welcome to the board, hope to speak to you again!

  • JeffT

    Wife and I left in 1989. We had done about a year of old-fashioned research at the library. We joined a support group run by a pastor who had been protesting ourside district assemblies for years. That led us to the church we now attend. I've given some talks at the church, and met from time to time with people who want more information.

  • Skimmer

    One simple method is to have a few copies of print-outs of some choice web sites, preferable with backing from WTBTS literature. A good selection can be found at:

    * http://www.freeminds.org

    Keep these print-outs handy for any JWs who may knock at your door.

  • Free2Bme

    Hiya Babykins,
    I must admit I found out everything from the internet and from my brother buying 'Crisis of Conscience'. If it wasn't for the net I would maybe be back in or still out but waiting with trepidation to be a dead un at Armageddon!
    Do you remember district assemblies where small gangs of 'apostates' would be holding up banners and giving out pamphlets? The horror and fear drilled into us was so strong we would not have dared to be seen taking one or reading it. 'Apostates' had a terminal illness we could catch!
    That's why it is so hard to get to JW's to help them see the society for what it is. Great thing about the net is idle curiousity in the privacy of a lurkers home can lead to finding out more than they bargained for and forces them to re-evaluate their beliefs.


  • slipnslidemaster
    And its certainly cheaper than placing full page advertisements in the local paper!

    hmmmmmmmmmm....what a good idea!

    Slipnslidemaster: "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."
    - Henry Ford

  • Stacey

    Hi Babykins-

    I've been out for 11 years. I left when I was 17 just being fed up from having so many controls placed on my life. My family also left when I left, so I am very fortunate that I do not experience family shunning. For the first couple of years I was out, I wanted nothing to do with learning any of the facts. I knew that I had turned my back on Jehovah and his "truth" and that it was just too hard to live the life that god wanted me to. Talk about a horrible spot to be in.

    After a few years of experiencing freedom, my questions came back to me and I started to just read and read and read. I did not have access to the internet in the beginning. But I went to the library and started just reading books and checking things out. Once I got to the internet though is when my world opened up.

    I was the same way as you were after those first few years of figuring out that it was not really the "truth" as I thought it was. I wanted everyone to know how awful this religion was and that everyone should run the other way. I got involved in a christian church and I wont go too much into my story there. But I spoke in front of my church about my experiences. I wanted the word out there.

    Since then, I've left the christian church also. I would say that I have a very different view on life and spirituality than I did even 2 or 3 years ago. My whole stand on the JWs is that some people are happy being JWs - let them be. I dont want anyone to try to force me to think me that my beliefs, experiences and thoughts are WRONG, so why would I tell the JWs that they are wrong to follow what they believe to be true in their heart? Some would argue that current JWs MUST be warned about the dangers of their cult. No one helped me out of the cult. I helped myself out of the cult because I know in my soul that I am a free thinker. Their bondage could not hold me back from being my true self no matter what. And that free thinking and questioning in my mind lead me to those books, and people that I now surround myself with, including many fine ex-JW friends of mine. And there are other people in the organization that are going to come out also with or without someone telling them that their organization is false. All I know is that it happens different for everyone, and it happens in everyone's own time. And no one can talk anyone else into believing in what they see in their perception, conditioning, and individual life experiences.

    I'm just going on and on, I'll stop. Anyways, welcome to the board. I've been coming here for awhile. I really like listening to what people say, and I dont post much. But even though many of the posters dont know me... I totally have come to enjoy this board and it's members immensely. Even when there's arguing and fighting, it's just fun to sit back and take it all in.

    Have a great day!

  • gsark

    Welcome, Babykins to our little 'family' (tho not so little anymore). I am glad to hear you find us all helpful.

    I did not speak directly to JW's after being df'd over a decade ago, but you would be surprised how many 'Wordly' people (how I have come to HATE that term!)have jw RELATIVES. so I have been more than happy to fill these people in on the REAL JW history and inside organizational shenanigans, oh what fun. Then sit back and watch the show as they go asking questions of their JW relatives.

    The down side is, you never get the ending of the story that way.

    Hope to see and hear more of you...

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!


    weLcome I da'd myself two years ago and I feel GREAT. I found
    out jw were a cult through freeminds a site run by randy an ex
    jw himself,very thoughful info on that site about the wt. check it out

    THE REAL TRUTH STANDS THE TEST OF TIME, IT WILL NOT CHANGE, IF IT DOES ITS A LIE.The sun will rise, The sun will set,AN EXAMPLE of The real TRUTH nobody can change.

  • Englishman


    Easy peasy! I went down to my local pub and told anyone who would listen all about disfellowshipping.

    You see, and I sometimes struggle to get this point across, some non-JW's actually admire JW's for their stance on blood transfusion.

    However, they are far more appalled at the DF'ing policy, because it has no martyrdom quality like blood has. People are horrified at the way it splits families, so I tell absolutely EVERYONE!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

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