? for any who has been an Ex-JW for many years

by Babykins 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Babykins: I walked away in May 1992, before the Internet became what it is today. I had felt things were not right, and found Ray Franz book, Crisis of Conscience in the Public Library. The Librarian told me I was lucky to get it. It is among several copies on hand, but they are normally always checked out. When I borrowed the copy, the checkout card was stamped for every week in the previous two years.

    After I left in May 92, I took a business trip to Alabama in late June 92, and over the weekend drove to Georgia to visit with Ray and Cynthia Franz. What I learnd on that trip moved me to later order several copies of Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom. I sent these to many people on loan, who then ordered thier own copies and returned mine. I also donated some to Libraries that had none.

    I called every good JW friend and let them know I was leaving and why. Some stayed in touch with me, and others did not. I wrote a long letter to Elders explaining my views, hoping that maybe some will respond at a later time. I called lifelong non-JW friends and family to let them know, and to rernew old ties. This helped spread news around.

    Then ... THE INTERNET! Thank Gawd! for the internet or whatever higher power people believe in ... for it is the great equalizer of all time. In the old west, the gun was the equalizer, but in the 21st century, high speed information is the Great Equalizer. And will, without fail, be the downfall of the Watch Tower religion as we know it ... or maybe they will go out of business ... but I suspect they will shrink and then become a more benign and moderate religion. - Amazing

  • bboyneko

    Stacy you sed:

    I dont want anyone to try to force me to think me that my beliefs, experiences and thoughts are WRONG, so why would I tell the JWs that they are wrong to follow what they believe to be true in their heart?

    I think that is a flawed view..it's not like they beleive the earth is flat..a wrong beleif like that wont hurt anyone. It's not like they beleive that the sun is actually made of limburgher cheese. Again, that would not hurt anyone. But their beleifs KILL and DESTROY. that is why we must get people out. Remember that AWAKE! article that had all those little kids who had died by refusing blood? How the JW thought of them as heros? YOur beginning to understand? Just 'letting them be' is wrong if you are in a position to help. Silence is also speech.

    We cant stand by and allow more lives and families to be destroyed. I have stated this in another thread, but I view it as getting out of a burning building and being so happy you saved your own ass you dont go back and try to get more people out.

    Again, their beleifs cause HARM and cause ANGUISH and in that manner it's not a good idea to just let them be.


  • Babykins

    Thank you all for your responses.

    I agree with Dan. The witnesses are harmful and destructive, just like any other cult you read about. Just because they havent taken peoples lives in a great number all at once the public does not notice the many lives that have been lost.

    I am trying to do all I can to make people aware of this religious cult. I really like the idea of putting it in the paper. Wouldnt that wake the society up?


  • Stacey

    Bboy, just saw this post.

    You are right, it is duty to help people out. I agree it is a very destructive group that kills and ruins lives. I know this. Take for example my friend who commited suicide. I am not sure, but I would say his JW background had a lot to do with his death. All I am saying is that there are people who are happy in the organization. There is nothing that anyone can do or say to get them out. They will never leave because they are SO brainwashed. My life goal is not to save people from what they are responsible for themselves. People will make their own decisions and if they are so staunch in their beliefs then no matter what you or I tell them, they will not leave the "truth". This is life. Nothing can change it. As I said, no one got me out of the religion. I came out using my own brain. We have to give people credit that if they have that same use of their brain, I think they'll come out eventually. If not, there is nothing anyone else can do.

    Yes, when someone comes to the board or comes looking, searching and doubting the "truth" then I think it's anyone's duty here to share what we know. But I would not track down current JWs who are "happy" with their spiritual life and "know" that they have the "truth" and try to get them out of the religion.

    That's all I was saying.

  • r51785

    I walked away in September, 1980. This was before the internet and "Crisis of Conscience." Down through the years I've done a lot of "anti-witness witnessing." Mainly this has consisted of discussing my experiences with friends and aquaintances as the subject comes up. Most people I meet who are Christians are fascinated by my JW stories and appreciate an understanding of the JW mindset. Others who are not Christian are apalled at the cultish mind control practiced. I've probably had as many long serious discussions with people about the JW religion over the last 21 years as the average publisher has. I like to think of myself as the "anti-publisher." If all of us ex-JW's tell the truth about "the truth" to people over the years we can counteract all the magazine salespeople who come to the doors.

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