Who needs rare? I want it blue! Turn up the barby and char it good, then watch it squirm on the plate .... mmmmmm.
by wanderlustguy 27 Replies latest jw friends
Who needs rare? I want it blue! Turn up the barby and char it good, then watch it squirm on the plate .... mmmmmm.
Of course, I make them at home, but I miss the sour cream. Where I live Mexican add cream to many dishes, but not sour cream. Please, explain why Mexican restaurants in the US always serve sour cream.
Oh, Chris, I didn't realize you were making the 'real thing'. Oh, my,,, I love Mexican ... I have a regional cookbook and all ... I think the sour cream adjustment is a cultural thing ... Americans think 'cream is bad',,, but sour cream comes in 'light' you know!
(right now, I'm thinking of the book,,, "Like Water for Chocolate" ahhhh, the recipes!)
OK, well done for talesin
JH, you are such a sweetie!
But, psst, 'blue' means barely rare,,, so I am a vampiric type of eater,,, likes my beefsteak bloody!
t <--------- hehehe
Americans think 'cream is bad',,, but sour cream comes in 'light' you know!
That explains it. But it doesn't explain why I've lost weight since I moved to Mexico.
Looks yummy, Wander. I haven't had steak in months cuz I've been cutting way down on red meat...but now I want some. Maybe a little steak tomorrow won't hurt me. LOL
Chris, Mexican food...Mmmmm. Of course, I'm sure what I think of as Mexican isn't very close to the real thing.
MMM that looks devine just the way i like my meat still mooing. I love cooking, the other night i marinated a lamb roast in middle eastern spices, then once cooked put it on a bed of cous cous and char grilled peppers and home made tatzkiki. it was great es