You want some of this, don't you, part 2

by wanderlustguy 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Who needs rare? I want it blue! Turn up the barby and char it good, then watch it squirm on the plate .... mmmmmm.


  • ChrisVance

    Of course, I make them at home, but I miss the sour cream. Where I live Mexican add cream to many dishes, but not sour cream. Please, explain why Mexican restaurants in the US always serve sour cream.

  • talesin

    Oh, Chris, I didn't realize you were making the 'real thing'. Oh, my,,, I love Mexican ... I have a regional cookbook and all ... I think the sour cream adjustment is a cultural thing ... Americans think 'cream is bad',,, but sour cream comes in 'light' you know!

    (right now, I'm thinking of the book,,, "Like Water for Chocolate" ahhhh, the recipes!)


  • JH

    OK, well done for talesin

  • talesin

    JH, you are such a sweetie!

    But, psst, 'blue' means barely rare,,, so I am a vampiric type of eater,,, likes my beefsteak bloody!

    t <--------- hehehe

  • ChrisVance
    Americans think 'cream is bad',,, but sour cream comes in 'light' you know!

    That explains it. But it doesn't explain why I've lost weight since I moved to Mexico.

  • luna2

    Looks yummy, Wander. I haven't had steak in months cuz I've been cutting way down on red meat...but now I want some. Maybe a little steak tomorrow won't hurt me. LOL

    Chris, Mexican food...Mmmmm. Of course, I'm sure what I think of as Mexican isn't very close to the real thing.

  • Es

    MMM that looks devine just the way i like my meat still mooing. I love cooking, the other night i marinated a lamb roast in middle eastern spices, then once cooked put it on a bed of cous cous and char grilled peppers and home made tatzkiki. it was great es

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