I was inspired by the "most hated analogies" thread.
A brother giving the Public Talk one Sunday told the most ridiculous story. I couldn't even swallow it when I was "in."
I'll try not to laugh while I'm typing this.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away... Someone planted a bomb in a Kingdom Hall. They left it under one of the seats in the front row. Turns out, a lot of people were late that Sunday, so the front row was empty. In the middle of the talk, the bomb went off. The speaker was killed. However, everyone else in the Hall was spared.
The bomb had been loaded with nails to do as much damage as possible. Just before the bomb exploded, the speaker had told everyone to read a scripture with him. Since everyone obediently turned to the scripture, when the bomb went off, their heads were bowed, so all of the nails missed everyone because they flew over their bowed heads. When investigators went over the scene, they found everyone's Bibles on the floor turned to John 8:32 (or some such).
Also spared was a mother and her baby who were in the back room. Apparently, the blast hadn't killed any of the audience in the main hall, but was powerful enough to blow out the back wall of the hall - except for the part covering the room the mother and baby were in at the time of the explosion.
Of course, the audience who heard this story was absolutely amazed and their appreciation for Jehovah's protection deepened.
If anyone has died from laughing so hard they've choked on their food/drink, I refuse all blame and lay it at the feet of the elder who gave this ridiculous public talk.