Most Hated "True Stories"

by Ingenuous 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • luna2
    The speaker went through the roof and outside, but survived. The only person killed was a brother sitting in the front row.

    Aaah, maybe that's why nobody likes to sit in the front row!

    I'd never heard that dog/cat talking one. I love it! Nothing that cool ever happened to me out in service, durn it all.

    I heard the train story from a Pioneer sister fresh back from super special Pioneer School. She would share little nuggets of wisdom from a big, top secret 3-ring binder full of cool crap that she either got as a handout or typed up herself. We couldn't actually read from the binder ourselves as we were not Pioneers and, therefore, not deserving of such a privilege. (barf)

    Of course the whole car group gasped in awe after she read the little story. How tragic...and isn't this just how Jehovah must have felt sacrificing his son (of course, Jah had the power to ressurect his son so it wasn't exactly the same, was it). Not being a spiritual as I should have been, I spent the rest of the morning out in service wondering why this moron had his toddler with him at work and why he didn't keep a better eye on him. LOL

  • sonnyboy
    their heads were bowed, so all of the nails missed everyone because they flew over their bowed heads.

    They must have been performing oral sex on themselves to be bowed that low. I hardly think that five or six less inches would have made a difference if nails were flying at them, especially when you take height differences into consideration.

    I still can't get over the tale of the Smurf doll that walked from the Kingdom Hall. I don't know how that elder told the story with a straight face.

  • Ellie

    Sorry if I'm stateing the obvious here but if it was divine intervention that saved so many from being killed then why didn't divine intervention just stop the bomb from going off in the first place?

  • BluesBrother

    The speakers rendition of events is not far removed from the truth as they were reported in the media at the time. The bomb was planted , lives were lost, the speaker in Australia was seriously injured and the Kindom Hall was devastated

    I have heard elswhere from another source that injuries would have been worse had the congo not been looking down to read a scripture at the time

    We cannot of course go along with the spin that "Obedience saved lives" , but I guess that is human nature. We once heard a recorded talk that was going the rounds in which this speaker attempted to explain "Why did jehovah allow it in a Kingdom Hall. That talk was pathetic in its development and made crass assumptions about how it could have been far worse, but then, most incidents could have been worse..

    I would not make light of what was a serious terror attack on unguarded people.

  • luna2

    Good point Ellie. Jah must have had some grand purpose that needed to be worked out by having the KH explode. Ah, I know, a witness to the world about how his people are reviled and persecuted. There, knew I could come up with something. There's always a reason that can be found to justify this junk...What's a few people killed or maimed when Jah has a point to make.

  • Ellie

    Did anyone ever hear the one about Clint?

    Apparantely he was some ring leader in a gang in America, evryone was scared of him, then he started studying and making progress.

    One day he was at the meeting when he got a phone call from one of his gang members saying he had to go somewhere really quick as there was a gun fight going on, so he waited till the end of the meeting, prayed to Jehovah about it and then went to meet his gang.

    He found them in a gun fight with another gang, so he went and stood in between the two gangs and started quoting various scriptures and being all witnessy, and in the end everyone put down their guns and eventually a few became brothers.

  • Rayvin

    The speaker apparently wasn't praying enough to Jehovah or was losing his Faith or he would have been spared too. Or so they have said in other 'true stories'.

  • Hellrider
    The speaker went through the roof

    He was probably one of the 144.000, and Jehovah needed him asap, "get your ass up here, brother, we need a janitor right now!".

    The Lord taketh and the Lord giveth. Or something like that.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    It was on july 21st 1985 that the bomb went off. At our DC in Reno shortly after, I and another brother sat as guards on either end of the platform in case someone tried to hurt the Gov Body member, (Cary Barber), in attendance. Rumor was that a guy with a rifle was seen entering the venue. We were ready to take a bullet for the old fart. That was dumb. He was going to heaven and would have had a nonstop trip. We would have rotted in the ground. Paranoia was high.

    Pretty dumb if you ask me.


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