How fanatic was your PO I bet not as fanatic as mine. One night there was a fire in a petrolium storage facility one block from the Kingdom Hall the police had baricades up and vacated the area around the hall. The PO called and told all us that Jehovah would not let the place blow up while meeting was going on so meeting was still going to be held and he asked all of us brothers to call and inform the congregation that Jehovah will protect us and to tell the congregation about an article of a hurricane that destroyed a town but jumped over the Kingdom Hall. This was about twenty years ago before the Mud slide in one counrty I forget what country it happened in the slide destoyed the hall and killed the ones that took refuge in the Kingdom Hall they thought that Jehovah would protect then at the Hall. Only after this happened that the Society changed it tone on how Jehovah saves his people and that Jehovah might not miraculously save. To say the least my family did not go to that meeting. Those that went had to drive around the baricades. The police came and told the congregation to leave the meeting but the PO said Jehovah will protect us and the meeting would go on so the police left shaking their heads. The paper wrote a story about how stupid the Jehovah's Witnesses were. The Congregation could not of been happier because it was a good conversation starter. It made me sick, if it would of blown many brothers and sisters might of died. I was suppost to give the #1 talk that night so the PO had a little fit that I did not go he told me I was not faithful under trial. So when the Mud slide happen I worked it into one of my talks about how the brothers and sisters left refuge in the high ground for protection from Jehovah in the low ground then mentioned how we have to use our heads and not wait for devine protection because Jehovah does not work that way.
Mr. P.O will it blow or not?
by skyman 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would have loved to see the PO's face when you gave that talk, unless he was busy at the back of the hall (getting ready for the JC meetings after the WT).
He talked to me and told me if I had something to say to him I was to tell it to his face. The funny thing he know exsactly that I was doing and the congreagation thought it was great. Most went that night because they felt like they had to inorder to prove that they were faithful. Mudslide happened in the same year only months apart. The whole hall know the fight between me and the PO over this and I was vocal. The CO became involved and took the PO side only a few week before the mudslide so it felt so good to give that talk. It shows how fanatical the Witnesses are.
Needless to say, you and the PO (and CO) didn't throw down together... Did you ever send the PO a mackerel, head and all in a UPS bag? I found it to be good therapy when I left. Also added a few chunks of stale bread.
now that is funny I should of done just that.
Did you ever send the PO a mackerel, head and all in a UPS bag? I found it to be good therapy when I left. Also added a few chunks of stale bread.
I'm sure that after enough time in the hot sun it was more than enough to feed several thousand people at an assembly.
I thought this was going to be about Mt. St. Helens or something! As far as your PO, there are still plenty of them out there with their heads implanted firmly up their asses. I think sometimes they just like the power and they pretend to speak directly to god. I have found most times if you let these types keep talking eventually they'll hang themselves, since they always think they know best.
It must have stunk up to high heaven when received at his home, especially since I used the return address for the Service Committee, Brooklyn Bethel. -
I guess I should of tittled this a little better Iike
Mr. P.O. will it blow or not?
Greetings, Skyman~
I can't help but see your PO's attitude as a rather natural progression of the false dichotomy the Society likes to create in their members, though: unreasonable faith in the WTS God vs listening to your own common sense and using your reasoning abilities. Safety and well-being doesn't matter, only obedience and loyalty to the borg.