The Society taught that psychic ability and clairvoyance were of Satan and the Demons. They equated these characteristics as unchristian and to be avoided. Therefore, they are linked to ouiji board, Wiccan activities, and even the seer that Saul visited to conjure up Samuel in a vision. The Society’s basis for this teaching is that any extrasensory perception had to be for Jehovah’s purposes, to extol his name, and bring about fulfilled prophecies, etc.
There is scientific work going on that connect quantum theory with these capabilities. There are tests being done to try and determine if there is scientific evidence for such capabilities. In one case over 100,000 tests demonstrated such a basis. The book, The Heart’s Code, by Paul Pearsall (1999) is absolutely fascinating and quite impressive. I truly appreciated the science being employed in the studies. You can find the book at, or you can click on the following link to see a brief book summary:
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