I had, when a JW, always bought into their views that sensing and feeling, knowing things was due to Satan the debil and the deemunz! However, I now believe there is a more scientific reason to so called clairvoyance and that some people are more 'wired into' the cosmos for some reason or other. My reason?
A relative of mine died suddenly a few years ago.
I was walking up the stairs at home, at 7 05 am and suddenly had an immense sense of loss and grief. I ran in to my husband, who was in the bathroom, crying and saying I'd lost someone, something. Someone's gone forever. The feeling of loss, I can't even begin to tell you the despair I felt. I knew someone had died. Yeah! I felt a disturbance in the force, if that makes more sense to any of you.
About ten minutes later, I was still crying and ...I can't explain it, but the feeling of losing someone forever, but then the phone rang. My sister rang telling me that my aunt had died about ten minutes ago!
When I told this to my JW relatives later they gave me some bloody funny looks I can tell you.
But that's what happened to me. I believe there is some very heavy scientific reason for my knowing that something had happened. What it is......who knows.