On another thread Rufus T. Firefly made this interesting comment:
My wife is a "zealous" regular pioneer who never talks about the Bible or "the truth" and who has no interest in conducting a Bible study with anyone. This is how one remains a JW.
I decided to start a new thread to discuss this, since I didn't want to veer completely off the topic of the original thread.
I can relate to what Rufus said - not concerning my wife, but other close JW family members. They don't seem to want to discuss the Bible or "the truth", either. The smartest of them is a brother-in-law who used to be a Baptist. I knew him when he was a Baptist. We had long, deep Bible discussions. In his earlier JW years, we had similar discussions, but then things changed. When he's not on duty as a JW, he never mentions the Bible or anything related to JWs. He just wants to play or recreate. I try to bring up Bible subjects, but he shows absolutely zero interest and will even change the subject. The other two close family members I had in mind are females. When I bring up Bible subjects to them, I can see a look on their faces that seems to indicate something like discomfort or internal conflict.
The subjects I bring up are not always controversial. I'll ask things like "What do you think the situation is with the King of the North?" or "Do you think the new world will be here in the next ten years?" I'm not even trying to plant seeds of doubt with them. I actually still want it all to be true and just love to talk about it.
If they are the light of the world and they have the one and only truth, shouldn't it be like a fountain bubbling over in them or like a fire in their bones? I really believe that I, an "inactive" fader, seek and love truth more than they do. I contemplate deep things constantly - all day long every day. I notice and am appalled by all the suffering, injustice, waste, ruin of the earth, etc. I seek answers and want to have serious discussions*. But my JW family members don't want to talk about what should be the most important thing in their lives.
Anybody else noticed something similar? Any insights, comments, anecdotes?
*That's one of the main reasons I come to this site. I have learned so much here and have had my eyes opened to many things.