Christ was the anointed one from eternity while the Siddhartha became the Buddha by searching and self discovery became illuminated
Christ did not become The Christ (The Messiah - translation of the same word) until he was baptized by his cousin John. He is not eternal, but was God's first creation, and by Him all else was created. God the Father, God the Son (to be a son, you must have been fathered) and thru the two the workings of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was taught judaism. He went on his own spiritual quest and was raised and taught by the Essenes, a spiritual sect of Judaism that his mother, Mary, and stepfather Joseph belonged to according to their ancient writings. It was through the Essenes that he discovered and developed who is was as Jesus, The Christ, on earth.
A bathing in the Ganges to remove sin and prevent rebirt but instead to pass on to the next level in heaven, and a dipping in a swimming pool or river to remove sin and open the way for one to go to heaven are far more similar than different.
Hib, when you remove the rafter from your own eye, you may, in time see the similarities in the beauty underscoring the two "religious" and "phylosophical" practices, than the differences. The differences to me are no greater than the genetic difference between a Human and a Chimpanzee - far less than 1%
I wish you peace in your journey