I'm off to the Big D!!!

by ohiocowboy 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • ohiocowboy

    I am finally ready to move to Dallas! I pick up the moving truck Friday morning, load up and head out of Ohio about 1 a.m. Monday, which will get me to Dallas Monday Evening. I'm moving from a 4,200 S.F. house into a 900 S.F. apartment. That should prove to be very interesting...I forsee a massive yard sale down the road!

    I am excited, nervous, happy, scared, and all of the feelings that come in between! I love new experiences, and this should be quite an experience. I will be living just down the street from multitudes of shops, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, and there is a big antiques mall about a mile up the road, where I plan on setting up a space or two. I can't wait to check out the huge antiques and flea markets down there, I will be like a kid in a candy store!

    My Dog should really like it too, as I will be able to walk her without fear of getting mugged or robbed. I haven't been able to walk her much in the area I am living now, as the crime is so bad. I have already stocked up on her favorite cookies, and food, and have all of her linens and toys cleaned and ready to go, I want to make the move as smooth as possible for her.

    The moving truck is a big 27 footer. The gas prices to feed that monster makes me feel like . My S.O. will drive the truck, and I will drive the van with the dog, that way she will have a nice bed set up, and she can be right by her Daddy!

    The only thing that I hate is the fact of leaving my friends up here. Hopefully I can make some down there.

    I am leaving at a good time, as it will soon be getting cold here again, and the weather down there should tone down a bit soon also-or does it stay 100 degrees plus all year round? Guess I should have checked that out first. I hope that there is some type of fall down there, as I will miss the brilliant colors of the trees up here.

    I guess I will also have to change my screen name from Ohiocowboy. Anybody have any suggestions???

  • ButtLight
    I am excited, nervous, happy, scared, and all of the feelings that come in between

    Thats normal! Have fun, and drive safely! Let us know when ya make it!

  • damselfly


    I've been getting the urge to just pack up and go myself, don't even care where at this point, just someplace different.

    Best of luck in your new place, hope the doggie travels well.


  • Legolas

    Good luck! How about Dallascowboy...sound familiar

  • BrendaCloutier

    Ohiocowboy - Drive safe. Enjoy the adventure. There are lots of poztates in the Dallas area, I'm sure you won't be friendless too long!



  • Bryan

    Ah! You're headed to the Apostate Capitol of the World!

    Have a safe trip!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • luna2

    How exciting! Hope your trip down to Texas and your move into a smaller space goes very well.

  • ohiocowboy

    Thanks for the well wishes! I have been wanting to move for a long time, as I never really liked Ohio that much, and was always fascinated with the Dallas area, and my last visit down there a few months ago made me realize it was time to move. I wish it was Friday already!

  • Valis

    First off we will need to see your passport, two forms of ID and also proof that you have gone through an extensive deprogramming course. We simply cannot have anything resembling a yankee moving down here to the great state of Texas.

    Hey man, I hope your move goes well and you should come over and say howdy when you get situated. We'll leave the front porch light on for ya..


    District Overbeer

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I like TexasDude. Welcome to my part of the world. You will need a coat for the winter. But I don't think your snow blower will be getting much action. Have a safe trip!!!!! HL


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