Christmas not Xmas!

by hibiscusfire 405 Replies latest jw friends

  • hibiscusfire


    It's an opportunity for me to fill my face more than usual and slop around the house a lot.

    Ahhh well thank God for Jesus then!!!


  • ChrisVance
    Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus Christ. So if you don't believe in Jesus Christ why would you celebrate it? Because of the gifts and eats?

    Right on and because most everyone I know celebrates it. Hi Legolas, how's it going?

  • Sassy

    well I'm not sure where the X came from.. the abbreviation came about long before I celebrated Christmas...

  • Purza
    So if you don't believe in Jesus Christ why would you celebrate it?

    I am still don't know if I believe in Jesus or not. However, we celebrate christmas because I feel it is a traditional thing to do. It is fun and something to look forward to. It is a known fact Jesus wasn't born on December 25th -- so IMHO its not really about Jesus. To me, it is about family togetherness and a time to be joyful. That's all.


  • upside/down

    I love it...

    A "christian" all bent over the fact that secular society is "blaspheming" a recently borrowed and raped pagan holiday by using an "X" instead of "Christ"....ROFLMAO!

    It's the ultimate turnabout...

    "christians" - 1 vs. Pagans - 1

    Now for a tie breaker....!


  • hibiscusfire

    legolas: It was all Santa,love ,family, just the whole spirit of it all.

    Christmas is not about Santa no no. I'm sorry but that is just wrong.

    This is a sensitive issue. The interjection of "Santa" into our Christmas gatherings...... Satan has infiltrated and defiled our Christian celebration of Christmas by adding the dimension of emphasizing Santa Claus at the celebration of the Savior's birth.

    Satan perverts that date because he hates to see people worshipping the Lord. Instead he diverts adults and children alike to revolve their attention around what Santa will bring that day instead of what the real meaning of the day really is.


  • joelbear

    i don't believe in jesus as a divine entity but do believe in his teachings

    jesus has very little to do with xmas and never has

    i wonder sometimes if xians have even read his teachings.

  • upside/down
    thank God for Jesus then!!!

    Can't I thank them both for themselves...and don't leave out Mr. Holy Ghost.

    Or should I thank Jesus for "God"...

    I'm confused...

    u/d(of the "christians" are so silly sometimes class)

  • hibiscusfire


    well I'm not sure where the X came from.. the abbreviation came about long before I celebrated Christmas...

    Well if you didn't know where it came from why did you use it....because everyone was. Monkey see monkey do (no offence).

    That X was to misguide people into taking off Christ from Christmas.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    As far as the remembering of Jesus' birthday, many do not do that. SO why not use xmas instead of Christmas? Also, I do it because it easier to type that. No disrespect is intended to Christ. And I fail to see how xmas is adding to the commercial side of the holiday? There are plenty of religious images used in the commercialization of it too - everyone seems to have something to sell.

    I write etc instead of et cetera. I write prob instead of probably. I write JC instead of Judicial Committee. H2O for water.

    I just don't see the objection.


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