glitter: Hibiscusfire, you said this:
"“X-mas” is meant to share season’s greeting to all races, cultures and religions. (snip)"#
And the whole post came from here:
And was written by "Victoria Barboza is in 9th grade at Midway Baptist School in San Diego."
"Christmas is one of the most enjoyed holidays of the year. To me, as well as other Christians around the world, this season continually reminds us of the day Christ was born. (snip)"
Is from the *same* webpage and was written by "Ezraley Samala is a 9th grade student at Bay View Christian Academy in San Diego."
If you hadn't noticed before glitter I did mention eg on pg 18...
"There is no “X” even in the word Christmas! And even if there was, let’s take any other holiday or even your own personal birthday, how would you like it if no one even took time out to recognize your birth. I know I would feel un-appreciated or even un-loved. gift He sent us, Jesus Christ. The whole reason why Christmas even is, is to celebrate the birth of this Man, this innocent and perfect Man whom we learn later was crucified and resurrected after three days.
Christmas has been distorted to some fantasy time of year, even to the point where people try and leave Christ out and replace it with a big “X” that signifies absolutely nothing.
Don’t take the history out of Christmas. Just know the only true gift we have received is the birth of our Savior, Jesus."
Sarah Lashinsky is a 12th grade student at Victory Christian School in Oceanside.
Yes these are comments from other people other than myself and it was to show you that I am not the only person who think the same about the X in X-mas.
Now if you go back and notice again I never put my signature as Hibiscusfire at the end.
Ha! You think you're so smart you're stupid. ....I did that deliberately glitter mouth!!!
So I'm not busted because I didn't do anything wrong.