JWs can't:
Live life without a perpetual feeling of guilt/unworthiness.
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
JWs can't:
Live life without a perpetual feeling of guilt/unworthiness.
They cant do certain sexually adventurous positions
Josie ~ of the *sex on brain* class
Right on Josie, they say they can't, but how many of them do???? THAT's the question....what a crock, all these rules, but individuals do as they please for the mostpart anyways....I remember when they began snooping into bedrooms , and started listing ALL the things that a Christian COULD NOT do....I laughed my butt off, as I knew, as did they, that most of the young newly married couples were experimenting with any number of "forbidden" sexual deeds. And I'm sertain very few of them came forth to confess and mend their "worldly" ways.....
No rated "R" movies and PG-13 are frowned upon.
Join the United Nations (oops, they already did that, I forgot)
Mrs. Jones, they wrote a song about you.
What Are Things JWs CAN'T Do?
Love unconditionally......like Jesus did.
They can't lick their elbow
Can't be artistic. It's worldly and demonistic.
JW's can do anything they want.
It's the consequences they cant handle.