.....so if gifts of prophecying were done away with, maybe the Society did not read this scripture.......maybe this is the reason they are always wrong. I wonder how a witness would explain this scripture.
1 Cor. 13:8
by sunshine2 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
I was told very recently that some of the Annointed possess the gift of prophesying.
....well if that is the case then the Bible must be wrong....maybe the writers did not have the right light?
I was told very recently that some of the Annointed possess the gift of prophesying.
LOL...Too bad they're not at Bethel...the GB could use them....
Cool, Sunshine! I hadn't even thought of that. Of course, this is probably why they're trying to backpedal on exactly what flavor of "prophet" they are/aren't. They dug themselves in too deep and want it both ways: 'We aren't prophets, but if you don't do everything we say, you're disobeying Jehovah/Jesus and are fodder for Armageddon.'
I also just came across someone discussing Matt. 28:18 - If Jesus had been given "all authority... in heaven and on the earth," how was he appointed King in 1914? What more authority did he need?
I was told very recently that some of the Annointed possess the gift of prophesying.
If they believe that, then they are truly not only insane, but as far from true christianity as you could possibly get. The gift of prophesying, actually being able to foretell the future, is (for a christian) something that can only be done two ways: With guidance from God, or guidance from the devil. And Jesus made it perfectly clear that he was the last prophet, and that anyone coming after him, claiming to be a prophet, would be a false prophet, and that this would be clear by them making false prophesies (lol, sounds like the WTbts). Also, being able to foretell the future would have to be said to be a miracle (as it can only be done by divine intervention of some sort, , and the age of miracles ended with Jesus, and that is part of their own damn doctrine! So if they actually believe this, I think I`m gonna have to go back to KH and enlighten them about their own damn doctrine.
1 Coritnthians 13 is my favorite part of the Bible, by the way, the whole chapter.
13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
If Jesus had been given "all authority... in heaven and on the earth," how was he appointed King in 1914? What more authority did he need?
another good question. Any active JW's on this site that like to "enlighten" us? And I don't mean that to be sarcastic, but I'd really like to know....
1 Coritnthians 13 is my favorite part of the Bible, by the way, the whole chapter.
13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
I like that one too........especially the one about love. We should be doing everything out of love and not because "bible principals" are being forced down our throats.
We should be doing everything out of love and not because "bible principals" are being forced down our throats.
Absolutely. However, love is a Bible principal, one of the two most important. In my view, the core message of the NT is A) Love, and B) Judgement belongs to God. Everything else should be read in the light of these two things.JWs are in a constant violation of these two basic principles. The practice of disfellowshipping and shunning is a violation of both (no matter how they interpret Pauls letters).
Thanks I have another scripture to put into my arsenal.