Well, if the family and deseased wanted this, I don`t see a problem with it. Maybe the dead guy was a JW, and it was his will. I do see a problem with how they crash funerals, and simply take over funerals, when they get a chance to, though. I have really bad experiences with JWs and funerals. One of them came to preach at my moms funeral. My mom was a JW, but only one of her 5 children has remained in the cult. So we decided, on a 4 - 1 vote (lol) to bury her properly, in a church. That didn`t stop one of them though, from coming to the funeral, only to walk around afterwards trying to convert us 4 apostates back into dubdom, saying shit like "when something like this happens, it should really make you think", pulling out a scrapbook of newspaper-articles of disasters around the world, claiming this was surely the end times! (ffs !!!). I should have knocked him down right there and then. If I ever have to bury a close one again, and they show up again, I definitely will. They "took over" the burial of my non-jw grandpa on my fathers side too. He didn`t have a religious bone in his body his whole life, but his daughter was a JW, and then she decided, of course, that he should be buried the JW-way. I had no idea, when I showed up for the funeral (which was held at the hospitals chappel). Imagine my surprise when I saw the chapel filled with JWs, 90% of which had never even known my grandpa. When the speaker started saying all the "eternal life on an earthly paradise"-crap, I just stood up and left. Damn bastards.