Truth hurts

by Decidedly_Unsure 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Decidedly_Unsure

    Been lurking here a bit, and the truth about the truth really hurts. I can't believe it's all a sham!

    Remember before i was baptized, i wondered onto a hostile site and felt a sickening dread, when I confronted the sister who studied with me she reassured me that i shouldn't worry, all the stuff on those sites are written by bitter outcasts who have nothing constructive to offer, "after all", she said, ""did you ever read anything upbuilding there?" Well, here i am baptized, back on the net 4 years later and wham!! All this Truth but.....

    There are 2 sides to each coin and (looking up for defenses in their publications I found ) the WT has made the same defense my bible study conductor did. To undecided lurkers myself, who frequent this site, don't you find much of the WT defense to ring true? Here it is ( a bit long ):

    WT july 1 1994!

    Beware of the Poisonous Food on the Table of Demons

    10 Food on the table of demons is poisonous. Consider, for example, the food dispensed by the evil slave class and the apostates. It does not nourish or build up; it is not wholesome. It cannot be, for the apostates have stopped feeding at Jehovah's table. As a result, whatever they had developed of the new personality is gone. What motivates them is, not holy spirit, but vitriolic bitterness. They are obsessed with only one aim-beating their former fellow slaves, as Jesus foretold.-Matthew 24:48, 49.

    11 For example, away back in 1909, the then president of the Watch Tower Society, C. T. Russell, wrote about those who turned away from Jehovah's table and then began to mistreat their former fellow slaves. The Watch Tower of October 1, 1909, said: "All who cut loose from the Society and its work, instead of prospering themselves or upbuilding others in the faith and in the graces of the spirit, seemingly do the reverse-attempt injury to the Cause they once served, and, with more or less noise, gradually sink into oblivion, harming only themselves and others possessed of a similarly contentious spirit. . . . If some think that they can get as good or better provender at other tables, or that they can produce as good or better themselves-let these take their course. . . . But while we are willing that others should go anywhere and everywhere to find food and light to their satisfaction, strange to say, those who become our opponents take a very different course. Instead of saying in the manly fashion of the world, 'I have found something which I prefer; goodbye!' these manifest anger, malice, hatred, strife, 'works of the flesh and of the devil' such as we have never known worldly people to exhibit. They seem inoculated with madness, Satanic hydrophobia [rabies]. Some of them smite us and then claim that we did the smiting. They are ready to say and write contemptible falsities and to stoop to do meanness."

    12 Yes, apostates publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary. Hence, it would be a dangerous thing to allow our curiosity to move us to feed on such writings or to listen to their abusive speech! While we might not think it a risk for us personally, the hazard remains. Why? For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of "smooth talk" and "counterfeit words." (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? And while the apostates may also present certain facts, these are usually taken out of context with the goal of drawing others away from the table of Jehovah. All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is upbuilding.

    13 Jesus said: "By their fruits you will recognize them." (Matthew 7:16) What, now, are the fruits of the apostates and their publications? Four things mark their propaganda. (1) Cleverness. Ephesians 4:14 says that they are "cunning in contriving error." (2) Prideful intelligence. (3) Lack of love. (4) Dishonesty in various forms. These are the very ingredients of the food that is on the table of demons, all of which is designed to undermine the faith of Jehovah's people.

    14 And there is another aspect. To what have the apostates returned? In many cases, they have reentered the darkness of Christendom and its doctrines, such as the belief that all Christians go to heaven. Moreover, most no longer take a firm Scriptural stand regarding blood, neutrality, and the need to witness about God's Kingdom. We, though, have escaped the darkness of Babylon the Great, and we never want to return to it. (Revelation 18:2, 4) As loyal servants of Jehovah, why would we even want to peek at the propaganda put out by these rejecters of Jehovah's table who now verbally beat those who are helping us take in "healthful words"?-2 Timothy 1:13.

    15 Some may be inquisitive about accusations that the apostates make. But we should take to heart the principle at Deuteronomy 12:30, 31. Here Jehovah through Moses warned the Israelites about what to avoid once they dispossessed the pagan inhabitants of the Promised Land. "Watch out for yourself for fear you may be entrapped after them, after they have been annihilated from before you, and for fear you may inquire respecting their gods, saying, 'How was it these nations used to serve their gods? And I, yes, I, will do the same way.' You must not do that way to Jehovah your God." Yes, Jehovah God knows how human curiosity works. Remember Eve, and also Lot's wife! (Luke 17:32; 1 Timothy 2:14) Let us never give ear to what the apostates are saying or doing. Rather, let us be busy building people up and loyally feeding at the table of Jehovah!

    The truth a

  • AlanF

    I'm sure that you can see the obvious lies and half-truths in the article you quoted. I could do a line by line demolition of it, but what's the point? You know, and so do most people who'll read this thread.


  • Naeblis

    It doesn't hurt nearly as much as getting a hockey stick in the shins.

  • outcast

    " bitter outcasts? "

  • BoozeRunner

    Hi Unsure, and welcome.

    The WTS specializes in this kind of rhetoric-SAYING NOTHING, TALKING LOUD.

    Consider the following:

    Heres what they say about so-called "apostates"

    All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is upbuilding.

    What could be more upbuilding than seeking change to policies which destroy, and in some cases END lives?

    all of which is designed to undermine the faith of Jehovah's people.

    I would change that to "all of which is designed to RELEASE PEOPLE FROM THE CULT CONTROL OF THE WTS"

    To what have the apostates returned?

    Normal lives free from serving the interests of a self-perpetuating organization which has exploited the spirituality that God has instilled in each one of us.

    Moreover, most no longer take a firm Scriptural stand regarding blood, neutrality,....

    The BLOOD ISSUE? The WTS has assumed the role of doctors and God himself with its most recent "blood fractions" crap. NEUTRALITY??? Can you say MEXICO?

    15 Some may be inquisitive about accusations that the apostates make.

    If someone accused your father of a horrible crime, would you not look to him to defend himself?
    Hell, even Bill Clinton said. "I did not have sex with that woman!"
    Even Bill Clinton said, "I did not inhale!"

    Lame, but the poor bastard tried.


  • Decidedly_Unsure

    I,m not sure that these are obviously lies and halftruths. If even 75% of para. 10, 12 and 13 are correct then one could reasonably conclude that an "objective undecided" should be at least equally suspicious of the "apostate" crew as of the WT crew.
    For eg.: motivated by bitterness, to retaliate at all costs, the ex Jws might have no qualms about underplaying the harmful consequences of moral decay or shipwrecking someone's faith in God altogether if it might help another break free from what they see as the WT enemy clutches.

    There is much wrong with the WT, but I haven't seen the critics here consider the relative "before and after WT" states of spirituality generally. And not referring to the WT def. of sspirituality (=meeting attendence etc.) but true closeness to God.

  • BoozeRunner

    Unsure, one thing you will find here is FREEDOM-freedom to think, freedom to question, freedom to express onesself.

    The WTS has made an art form out of convincing people to examine their religious beliefs, has consistently criticized other religions for their misguided application of scripture, or lack of application altogether.
    Yet, can it TRULY be said that the WTS can withstand to such scrutiny itself? One has only to look at their prophetic announcements, for example, 1914, 1925, 1975. By their own writings, they qualify as a FALSE PROPHET.
    I believe that if 6 million JW's truly had the "truth", a few "apostates" could not possiby shipwreck anyones faith.
    Just one aspect that you should consider.


  • gsark

    Prideful intelligence? what is wrong with prideful intelligence? I happen to pride myself regarding my prideful intelligence.

    JW's and recent ex-jw's always give themselves away. Watchtower this, governing body that, organization this, faithful and discreet slave that, and on and on and on.

    JESUS CHRIST, remember HIM? JEHOVAH GOD, remeber HIM?

    there in a nutshell, you have the Watchtower problem, and there also you have the solution.

    As far as the before and after states of Watchtower, hey the so-called 'apostates' are ALIVE!!! that's more than can be said...don't get me started.

    What did Jehovah do when Lot approached him and said---"for fifty people will you halt destruction...?" Did God wack Lot on the head, call him names? NO. What did Jesus do when Thomas doubted him? Wack him on the head, call him names? NO. Read the accounts, that is Jehovah. Sounds like the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave---NOT!

    So here on this board, if something is on your mind, in your heart, or whatever, go ahead and say it, don't worry about anyone else. You are welcome here. Hope to see you around.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • d0rkyd00d

    Just a question. Do you feel guilty about visiting this site? If you do, i honestly think you shouldn't. I don't think you should feel guilty about visiting this site, or questioning ur religion. Paul encouraged us to "keep on questioning what you are being taught to make sure that it is truth."

    Here are some websites i'd really recommend visiting if you already haven't.

    * <---if this one doesn't work, type it in

    These are all very good sites, and although i'm not sure if u have or not, i'd recommend reading Crisis of Conscience. And no matter what anybody tells u, it's not chock full of lies, and it's not Satan. It's just a story about one man's experiences. If you are really confused about the stories here and such, visit these sites, and it will help you out a bunch. Just remember, we aren't a lying bunch of Satan worshippers, we are people. I'm only 16. I dunno how to be a "nasty apostate person", or how to seduce people, but i'm old enough to share what helped me. i was baptized at 10, and went till 15. just so ya know. Good luck.

  • tergiversator

    Decidely Unsure,


    I used to wonder, before I ever doubted anything, why people didn't just move on if they didn't want the "truth"; but now I realize that it's often because there's no honorable way to leave. If you disagree with the Society, you can't just 'say in the manly fashion of the world, "I have found something which I prefer; goodbye!", unless you don't mind losing all of your family and all of your friends. It's hard enough working out matters of God and life and salvation, without having your support network yanked away from you just when you could use it the most. Some people do get bitter, yes; most just feel very sad and hurt and sorry for their friends still inside, and if they speak out it is because they don't want others to be as badly burned as they were.

    As far as having something constructive to offer... as you seem to have discovered, there are hundreds of sites that expose the "truth" for the sham that it is. But after that? I would venture to say that most former witnesses have built up some sort of constructive belief system. Some are atheists or agnostics because the evidence seems to point insurmountably that way; others enjoy the closest relationship with God that they've ever had. Some decide they've had enough with worrying about the ultimate questions and just focus on living a good life. (And some, granted, don't learn their lessons too well and go back to other high control groups.) There is no common group of "opposers", really - just a bunch of people recovering from a mistake and trying to find their own right way in life. If you want to find people who are working on their post-witness spirituality, keep looking - you might be surprised how many there are out there (and, for that matter, on this board).

    -T., of the More-sure-what-I-don't-believe class

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