Here is how it works: when you make a claim that something IS....then you provide the proof to back it up.
You would think so - but it doesn't work like that in reality for the majoruty - people are gullible.
by Terry 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here is how it works: when you make a claim that something IS....then you provide the proof to back it up.
You would think so - but it doesn't work like that in reality for the majoruty - people are gullible.
The test is entirely ad-hoc, has never been validated against another instrument, and has no predictive value whatsoever. It has a great pseudo-intellectual appeal.
Here is how it works: when you make a claim that something IS....then you provide the proof to back it up. Those who say they can bend spoons with their mind have to prove it. Those who claim they were kidnapped by aliens have to prove it. Those who claim a certain test has any validity in order to refute a point made in debate have to prove it.
This test IS
HAS no predictive value
HAS great pseudo intellectual appeal
by your own definition, you are the one making the positive statements here and have not backed them up...which was the reason I questioned them.... as far as I could see from your statements of apparent fact that you KNEW something and need to defend that claim to knowledge no the other way round (^_^)
btw, your site shows various valid criticisms, but nothing related to the only use I made of it...namely to show that after many years, a retaking of the test shows no difference in my underlying core personality, even though I had made many changes in my life
btw, your site shows various valid criticisms, but nothing related to the only use I made of it...namely to show that after many years, a retaking of the test shows no difference in my underlying core personality, even though I had made many changes in my life
Try thinking of it in the way you think of the polygraph test.
You can take the test; then, years later take it again and achieve the same results. The consistency in the outcome seems to confirm validity, no?
Such test require INTERPRETIVE operators. This introduces bollox into the result. Why? This is the weak link in the chain because it is subjective HOW it is interpreted.
No court of law allows Polygraph results to be introduced as evidence. This doesn't keep law enforcement from using the test as a psychological tool, however.
Personality cannot be clearly defined as a mathematical certainty in order to fix a standard. Without a standard the test is open to interpretation. Tests require a norm or baseline from which deviation can be measured. Accuracy is entirely dependant upon this.
You may as well tell us you have the same atrological sign today as you had years earlier to bolster some point you are making.
Now do you see?
The crossroads between being rational and being mystical is the difference between "I know" and "They say".