I had a most bizaar dream early this morning:
I was out shopping at a Salvation Army and other christian based thriftstores that JW's aren't supposed to shop at, in this Thrift Store Mall, with my ex-sister-in-law, whom I haven't seen in almost 20 years, and my nephew, whom I haven't seen in 30 years. It's almost 8pm and so I call home and tell Kevan I'm still out shopping.
I get home, and who's there? Tijkmo and his girlfriend. They arrived via Harley. Tij was about 5'10" (177 cm) was slight of build and had long straight stringy mousy brown hair pulled back in a pony tail, it ran past his waist. He wore a worn jean jacket with cut-off sleeves, worn jeans, and engineer boots much like a rider here would wear. His girl was dressed similarly. She was a very pretty woman with short, dark hair and eyes. Nice folk - good peeps - and they reminded me of my Alki-Angel biker friends. They had hoped to stay overnight, but hadn't eaten for many hours as they had been on the road.
My kitchen was a mess! There wan't a clean dish in the house, even the dishes and pots and pans put away were dirty! So I quickly cleaned up, but we we didn't have much food in the house. We had pork chops, but they wouldn't touch those, we had potatoes, those were OK if I made cubed hashbrowns out of them.... picky eaters they were! Well, girlfriend (I think her name was Julie) went to the store on the bike an brought back some frozen shad (a freshwater fish from the great lakes I think - I've never had shad) that she proceeded to make into twisted kippers, a Scottish treat of sorts. Funny, but she shaped them into cows and chickens and fish, and a variety of other animals, hence the "twisted", and pan-fried. They tasted like pork.
The next day they were off to visit the Portland Zoo (now the Oregon Zoo) - not because Tij wanted to but Julie liked zoos, and then heading for Seattle to "drop in" on Mulan! I couldn't remember how to give them directions to the zoo because we lived in the house we bought in Hawaii and I finally figured out directions to the zoo. It was only about 27 miles away.
Tij and Julie, I want you to know you are welcome at my home anytime. Just don't complain about the food, and keep your twisted kippers to yourselves.