It seems that this year is flying by. Where does the time go? Here it is Thursday again and time for our weekly vigil for Outnfree.
Please send your good thoughts, positive vibes and prayers tonight starting at 8:00 central (9:00 Eastern, 7:00 Mountain, 6:00 Pacific) to Brenda Ryan (Outnfree's real name) in the Detroit, MI metro area. Let's visualize her cancer fading away while the chemo does its job without making her feel ill.
I believe that prayers work and that Brenda will beat this. I want to thank everybody who joins us in our weekly prayers for Brenda.
I was looking over last week's thread and found this message from Brenda:
I am doing okay. I had my neupogen shots and am dealing with the resultant bone pain pretty well this time around. More troubling at the moment is my low red blood cell count, which is making me very fatigued. They gave me a long-acting stimulator shot for that last week, but cannot give me another until next Thursday, which is scheduled. So it's a relief that I have a couple of weeks break from school. I am still planning on taking three classes this fall towards my degree. The future beckons and I intend to answer that call.
Thanks again, folks!
Brenda, you are such a positive person. With all that you are going through, I can't believe that you are also still working on your degree. You are such a little rock of endurance--you go, girl. I love you and wish you all the best.
Since the play I am in is running tonight, Friday and Saturday as well as next week, I will not be here for the group vigil. Instead I will be sending my prayers and good thoughts to you all day today. I pray that your rbc will increase and you will not feel so worn out. God bless.