Let's Pray for Outnfree to be Rid of Her Cancer

by Robdar 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    1 hr and 45 minutes to go.

    Hugs to everybody.


  • Robdar

    I am off for the performance. Goodnight.

    (((((Brenda))))) & (((((Sally)))))

    Love to all,


  • orangefatcat

    My prayers and thoughts are with you Brenda and Sally, I know that you are a fighter Brenda, and having met you I admire your courage. Sally dear, hugs and kisses to you too.

    "Flowers for special friends."


    all my love and best wishes for a speedy recovery.


  • outnfree

    Good morning, dear people!

    Thank you VERY much for your continued support. ((((Sally)))) Thinking of you, too!

    I am feeling more energetic this week, but still not in top form. I was glad to get the second red blood cell booster yesterday. Also, I have edema in my left hand, which is freaking me out a bit. So far, I am just squeezing a racquetball to help what lymph glands I have left on that side to move the fluid up and out of my arm. It works, temporarily, but then the swelling begins again. Grrrrrrrrr!

    ((((Robyn)))) Thank you for remembering to ask for help for me each Thursday. All I can say about my "endurance" is that if I don't have something to look forward to, I'll crack up. It's that simple. So I MUST spend some time this fall working towards my future, and all of the classes I'm taking should be relatively easy ones for me. I've made myself an easy schedule, too: No early mornings, no late nights, classes M-W-F so I have Tuesdays and Thursdays free plus the weekend to recuperate.

    I am so very grateful for your love, prayers, vibes and work, everyone! Blessings on all of you!



  • under74

    Brenda- I'm hoping all the best for you

  • outnfree

    Thanks, (((under)))!

  • acsot

    I'm sending positive thoughts your way - I missed yesterday, sorry.

    It's great you're looking forward and taking more classes, that'll be a tremendous help.

    take care

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