Loyal ones close to apostasy?

by ozziepost 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie


    Oh, is the meeting over?

    This is an example of a "gnat" thing the WTS makes too much of...stretches the envelope of belief...

    Takes attention away from the real and current problems...like....child molestation.

    (Thanks for your comments....back to my nap)

  • LDH

    um, now I feel like a real apostate. When was the Daniel book published? Is it old or new?

    This is a real crack up, Oz.

  • gsark

    Amazing...I have the Daniel book in a Word file for anyone who needs it. It is from the 1999 WT CD-Rom.

    Or in the alternative, I can try and upload it somewhere.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • Francois

    How many ways are there to call a jackass a jackass? We've been pointing out the ludicrousity (is that a word? it is now.) of the WTB&TS for months and months. What have we achieved? The WTB&TS is still, in the collective sense, a jackass.

    They aren't getting any smarter.

    We aren't getting any younger.

    Why are we doing this?

    Have we saved some innocent "good will" or bible "study" from the clutches of the evil organization? Maybe we have. I guess we have.

    Cancel the foregoing. Just a brain fart. Excuse me. What time is it?

  • r51785

    While we're on this whole topic of naval deployment during The Great War, ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy patrolled the Mediterranean during the war. Does this mean that the ships of Nippon and the ships of Kittim were the same and could this be shortened to the ships of KittiNipp?

  • ozziepost
    Does this mean that the ships of Nippon and the ships of Kittim were the same and could this be shortened to the ships of KittiNipp?

    LOL. Naah, they were Kittynapped! (Figuratively, of course)


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

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