Watchtower PR Statement 8-7-01

by silentlambs 63 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Englishman

    Poor old Brooklyn.

    I hadn't realised that they were victims of infiltration. Lets not say anything that would embarrass them further.

    Did I ever tell you about the incestuous father in our local congregation who used to hack off his daughters hair so that he wouldn't be attracted to her?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Billygoat

    This whole situation makes me sick. Absolutely sick. I hope and pray that Dateline gets this story out soon. I just can't believe my family is still stuck in The Tower.


  • Bendrr

    These PR statements really made me sick.
    First of all, they actually use the term "church elder" and I never thought I'd hear Brooklyn do that in the context they did.
    Then I have to wonder about the elders serving on the judicial committees that end up unwittingly protecting the molesters. Are these committees hand-picked to include only men who have no children or families of their own? Even those with only nephews and neices or who are close to families with children would be hard-pressed to take no action. I would ask how anyone could be so cold and callous, but I only have to realize that it is actually a cult.
    If this doesn't prove it, nothing else will.
    Only a cult member would be so blindly loyal to their leadership as to sacrifice children in the interest of protecting the cult.
    My dad was and is a long-time elder. Now I wonder how many cases of this kind he dealt with. I can almost bet the answer is more than none. I think of all the times he came home from an elders meeting discouraged to the point of rage. And I can only wonder.
    I'm going to tape that Dateline show. I'm also (with Silentlamb's permission) going to get some major hard-copy from and Mom and Dad as well as a few others are going to get some anonymous bombshells in the mail!
    Now if you all will excuse me, I have to find a way to get my appetite back before dinner.
    You're doing a wonderful job Bill, thank you.

  • ozziepost

    G'day all, I've just arrived! Here in Oz we've just gotten up! And after reading this PR Statement it's time for the aussies to get mad too!

    If there is sufficient evidence that someone has exploited children in this way, he may be disfellowshipped (excommunicated). A sincerely repentant former child molester may be allowed to remain a member of the faith, but he is strongly warned against being alone with children unless one of the parents or another responsible adult is also present
    "sufficient evidence" who the hell do they think they are? For that matter who the hell did I think I was? IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ELDERS. THEY DO NOT TAKE THE PLACE of the proper authorities which even they believe are the "superior authorities" "God's minister" for them.

    The victim or the victim’s family may also report the matter to the authorities. They have an absolute right to report and none should interfere with this.
    NO NO NO NO NO NO This is a furphy. I agree 100% that this is NOT what happens in practice. "That is not exactly what has been practiced through the years, is it." - Anchor. Right on!

    There's none so blind as those who will not see.


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

  • Maximus

    Time Zone bump.

    Keep this one for your grandchildren.

    Who is watching the Society being dragged kicking and screaming
    out of the fifteenth century

  • BoozeRunner

    Run, Watchtower, run!!!

    And the crowd goes wild!!!


  • crossroads

    God Rules I must respond to this BS you threw out
    believe me none of it is sticking.

    "I realize things like this happen, but it is up to each body of elders to take care of their congregation. Our body of elders are very protective of the young ones."

    If Jesus is in charge of his remnant which you also say,
    and these so called spritually anointed remnant appoint
    these so called qualified elders why all the mistakes my
    brother. Aren't these elders nothing more than political hacks
    who just follow thier leaders or face losing thier congressional
    seat. Just like the pols once enthroned their seat is for life.
    As long as they go with the flow.

    When I first came in the "LIES" the awake was full of stories
    about priest and alter boys(of which I was one). My Mom
    would say aren't you glad your not part of that anymore,
    thats just disgusting. The Priests I served weren't pedaphlies
    they were drunks. But now when the whistle blower is having
    what he "Blew" and worse thrown back in his face well you
    know" we are all imperfect." You can stick that statement right
    up your ass all the way and see how it feels to YOU.
    I can only hope that the WBTS gets it so hard that they can
    never be stiched together again.

    I'm sorry if I offended anyone put in the world according to
    Mark your children are the only reason worth dying for and
    all of this just makes me sick.

    May the Lord and His Father Finally cut this organization
    "Assunder" because it is an EVIL SLAVE.

    Peace Out------Mark

  • Flip
    That's passing the buck back to the elders. The WTBTS put the elders in an authoritive position by appointment. It is the WTBTS's responsibility to oversee *their* flock - not the elder's seemingly sole responsibility. If the WTBTS provides the proper training (in your opinion) - they should see that it's enforced then, and take responsibility when it's not.

    Waiting,I believe the WTB&TS has already publicly denied legal responsibility for the actions of elders and officially treats elders as independents, have they not.

    Much like an "independent" Amway re-seller is legally made personally responsible for their own actions, so to are the elders of a congregation.

    Who actually is legally responsible for serious "errors of judgment", the Corporation, the elders or the individual Jehovah’s Witness, is the question that could possibly be the focus of a major legal argument.

    There’s no question I would not want to be in the shoes of a JW elder these days. The WTB&TS has way more financial clout than the lowly elder and can easily hire the better bevy of lawyers.


  • Anchor

    You must read this if you haven't yet done so.


  • Tina

    Hi Bendrr,
    I wanted to say hello and tell you how much I enjoy your posts!
    Yep,I plan on taping the show as well. I'm planning to send a copy to Uncle Elder and a few other family members. regards,Tina

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