Reasoning from the Scriptures: "Resurrection", p.339-340
Who will be included in the earthly resurrection? "Both those who lived in harmony with God's righteous ways and people who, out of ignorance, did unrighteous things will be resurrected. The Bible does not answer all our questions as to whether certain specific individuals who have died will be resurrected. Butwe can be confident that God, who knows all the facts, will act impartially, with justice tempered by mercy that does not ignore his righteous standards." [Those who committed "unforgivable sins" would have their "memory... blotted out in Gehenna."]
The Reasoning book is vague about who will be destroyed @ Armageddon, citing a list of scriptures without commentary. It does have this to say in answer to the question "What will happen to young children at Armageddon?" [p. 47-48]
The Bible does not directly answer that question, and we are not the judges. However, the Bible does show that God views the young children of true Christians as "holy." (1 Cor. 7:14) It also reveals that in times past when God destroyed the wicked he likewise destroyed their little ones. (Num. 16:27, 32; Eze. 9:6) God does not want anyone to be destroyed, so he is having a warning sounded now to benefit both parents and children. Would it not be wise for parents to pursue a course that would result in their children being looked on with favor by God both now and at Armageddon?"
So, according to the Org, God will resurrect ignorant adults who do bad things, but not ignorant children who didn't get a chance to learn right from wrong. Also, given that we can't say any particular individual will be resurrected, shouldn't we stop handing out the Dead Loved Ones tract since we're inspiring false hope in people in an effort to get them to study with us?
The 'new thinking' on the Generation (quote below) means nothing to me. I cannot make any sense of it. Is it just me? 12 Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy today, "this generation" apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ's presence but fail to mend their ways. (WT Nov 1st 1995)
To me, this means any group of people "who see the sign of Christ's presence but fail to mend their ways" qualifies as "this generation." IOW, as long as there is a group of people on earth who see the things described in the relevant portions of Matthew 24 and don't become JWs, they can be called "this generation." There is no longer a time range imposed on the lifespan of a "generation." We could be sitting here in 2100 AD and, as long as someone could point to developments that resemble Matthew 24, those who see it and don't convert can be called "this generation." It's a vague and malleable definition. And with the creation of the "Nethinim" class, "this system" really could go on that long, since there's no longer an expectation that the "anointed" will still be on earth during the "great tribulation" and the "Nethinim" are expected to care for the spiritual needs of the R&F after the "anointed" have left the earth.