The general teaching of the WTS is that anyone who dies during a "judgment period" will not be resurrected.
That includes the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Armageddon.
Of course we know that the WTS has waffled on Sodom and Gomorrah over the years.
They have also recently adjusted the doctrine recently in regard to the separation of the sheep and the goats, placing that when the great tribulation starts when Jesus appears with the angels to separate mankind and execute the goats. Previously they taught that this separation has been going on since 1914 and that when non-JWs died they would not be resurrected.
But then the WTS designated the 40 year "preaching" period by Jeremiah before 607 BCE as a judgment period as well as the period from 33 CE to 70 CE as a judgment period. But they back pedal on saying that the Jews who died then died forever.
I am not near any WT publications but I think in the most recent WT I have that the WTS leaves Cain off the list of those who will not be resurrected.
I have often used quotes from the WTS publications to show that the WTS policy is that only dedicated, baptized JWs will survive Armageddon. But if you look at the history of the judgment period between 33 and 70 CE, almost 100,000 Jews survived the destruction.
The reason the WTS says people who die before Armageddon breaks out will not be resurrected is not that their sins are forgiven at death but that the judging/separating of the sheep and the goats has been moved to a future time. Otherwise those in Sodom and Gomorrah and the flood who died would qualify for resurrection. Remember that the WTS mades the rules and bends the Bible to fit them.
Interestingly, reading through the Studies in the Scriptures, I discovered that at that time the WTS policy was that Adam and Eve would be resurrected to live on earth, in fact all humans would be and have their first real chance to learn about God and Christ and change their personalities.
The WTS does change their story about resurrection but it is not based on sins being forgiven at death but the changing of when the separation of the sheep and goats occurs. I think that was in 1997 for was who have access to a WT CD or bound volumes.