Catholics are right if the Trinity is right

by stillajwexelder 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Midget-Sasquatch


    I can see the basis for diphysitism in the pauline material (like in the thought conveyed at Colossians 2:9) I'll admit I wasn't always listening attentively in religion class. What happened to the Second Person of the Trinity upon the death of Jesus? Did that part of the Godhead cease to exist if it was essentially one hypostasis with the human? Or did only the human die?

    The nuns didn't have any patience with me. I'm sure there must be well thought answers but they never gave them to me. So I guess you can see why I might gravitate to the ideas of say the Nestorians. Having both human and divine natures in one living human being isn't a problem for me. I' just wonder whether the pauline epistles give us enough detail to conclude whether the two natures became one hypostasis or instead were two in one temple of flesh?

  • Leolaia

    If we're talking about Pauline epistles and the "two natures" theory, another interpretive question is what the object of the kenosis of Philippians 2:7 is supposed to be.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    That's a good question Leolaia.

    If the fullness of the Godhead resided bodily in Jesus, then just what did he empty himself of to go from having the nature of God to a human? If I didn't have to consider that bit in Colossians 1:19, I'd naturally read the part in Phillipians to mean that the heavenly Christ emptied himself of some of his divine attributes to become human. Wouldn't that mean an actual change in nature though? In a way wouldn't that then make him less than God? There's the idea in another letter of Paul's about Christ giving up his riches and living in poverty so that the faithful could be taken out of their poverty and share in his riches. There's definitely a change in nature for the faithful so why not for Christ?

    If I remember the nuns correctly, they explained this emptying of himself as willingly imposing the limitations of human existence onto his divine being. Like a person would restrain from flaunting some talents or gifts they had in order to be humble (which was the main point Paul wanted to make). That didn't mean that the person somehow lost those gifts. P.S. Ingenous

    If Jesus was God, than his death upset the scales of justice, but in the other direction. Whereas before man was condemned to death via Adamic sin, the death of God would be an overcompensation as opposed to a ransom of equal exchange.

    not sure what denomination made this argument, but they said that only the blood of God, of the infinite, would be enough to atone for an infinite number of sinners. Not that God wants an infinite amount of them, but as an all loving God, he'd make sure that the provision was available indefinitely. Or something like that.

  • Robdar

    That's a nice rack you're sportin' there Stilla.

  • whyamihere
    That's a nice rack you're sportin' there Stilla.

    Yeah what she said!


  • Robdar

    Brookie, that is such a great rack that I am totally envious!

  • whyamihere
    Brookie, that is such a great rack that I am totally envious!

    Grass is always greener on the other side my love. Its a love hate thing really...Sometimes you just want the guy(Sometimes girl) to talk to your face. Sometimes it gets so bad they keep staring and forget about the subject..I have to laugh at some. Oh well at least after having my two kids they got smaller! Sorry Stilla...BTTT! Brooke

  • Robdar
    Grass is always greener on the other side my love. Its a love hate thing really...Sometimes you just want the guy(Sometimes girl) ;to talk to your face. Sometimes it gets so bad they keep staring and forget about the subject..I have to laugh at some. Oh well at least after having my two kids they got smaller!

    Oh, well, I've never been bigger than a C cup. But I can dream!

    Sorry Stilla. I'll be nice and leave your thread alone.


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