Stop being so ego-centric and wasting energy.
Walk or take public transportation instead of driving (when you can).
Buy economical vehicles.
Lobby your politicians for eco-friendly alternatives, and live what you preach.
Buy goods that are made from petroleum-free products, and yes, it takes a bit of research, but if you really want to make a difference, you will take a few minutes and "Google" to educate yourself about what is the best choice you can make.
Demand a change in the economic system, instead of sitting around bitching about politicians to your friends and doing nothing.
Spend your dollars LOCAL and think GLOBAL.
Buy what you need, and not what you are being sold as the latest 'cool' thing. Do you really NEED a 4 wheel drive gas guzzler? Get over yourself, and realize that who you are is cool, not just what you drive. And yeah, if you are into muscle cars or whatever, that's cool, just don't make it your primary means of transportation.
Finally, realize that WE are not just consumers, we are individuals, and they cannot dictate to us what we need. We KNOW what we really NEED. Be an individual and stand up for what you know is right.
Make your votes count when election time comes around, and even if your candidate is not elected, be a vocal thorn in the side of the ruling party.