Sometime around the year 2000 I think it was, people decided to protest against the government here in the UK which created a 5 year "escalator" introducing higher taxes on fuel year on year. We did this by blockading the half dozen major fuel distribution points in the country. The whole country was brought to a standstill within a week.
I don't think this would work in the US, and to be honest although it made a massive imact here, the government did not actually back down, at least not for about another year.
The protestors left in the end when it became clear emergency services as well as the economy was being hit.
The prices you are currently seeing are the result of global production and demand rather than tax alone. Fuel is so expensive here already that the percentage difference in cost these days is not huge. I guess if fuel got ridiculously expensive here, the government could start cutting tax, but I'm not expecting they would do that imminently.