Do you see the average Jehovah’s Witness as a victim...?

by trevor 35 Replies latest social relationships

  • Honesty

    They are spiritually, mentally and emotionally abused by the WacthTower Bible and Tract Society. They, in turn abuse others as they have been abused.

    Victims, Yes.

    Blameless, No.

  • Nellie

    Hmm, interesting thoughts.

    I don't think I think of the individual witness as a victim - victim to me portrays "one who is hurt." I see them more as weak-minded and ignorant.

    It isn't that JWs don't know that there is criticism against the organization; they do. It's that we are constantly warned to ignore the outcries. I was guilty of it myself. I had a knee-jerk reflex regarding any criticism - it was to be dismissed, immediately, without consideration.

    You have to be strong enough to make the CHOICE to listen; open-minded enough to HEAR what you don't want to believe and WISE enough to see the real truth - thereby ending your ignorance.

  • Apostanator

    I see them as victims. Many are recruited or born into the Cult. I don't think many have actively seeked out the religion or ran to the nearest kingdom hall wanting to be dubs. However I do expect them to be responsible for their actions. I think a lot of times if you forgive someone for their actions, it just gives them an excuse for not being held accountable for them. Victims....Yes, Acountability, ABSOLUTLEY....YES

  • Dragonlady76

    I believe they are willing victims.

    I especially feel sorry for the kids, they can't help being brought up as dubs.


  • trevor

    DragonLady 76

    This is your first post in a month. You have been falling away recently and seem a lot more subdued. I hope this is because you are happy and not sad. I will send the elders round to check on you!

    Miss your avatar.

  • Sugarcane

    I think it's difficult to give a yes/no answer, as how is one to understand 'average JW'? Is it someone who was born and raised in the borg, someone who regularly attends and puts in average hours for the country in the ministry etc?. I think if anything, it is JW children who are the real victims because children are so impressionable when they're young. They have had no real choice in the matter and if they do go along and even get baptised, what's the rationale behind it? I see one key factor for people staying in the borg: FEAR of just about everything! They are probably a victim of there own conscience, how they have let that belief system take control of their minds. Even if people have doubts, they are not allowed to express them because fear of being ostracised or even disfellowshipped. It's a big price to pay if all your family is in the borg not to mention the shunning that goes along with it. The longer a person is in the borg the harder it is to get out as this 'black and white' thinking has been indoctrinated for a long period of time, how can one just change their way of thinking? Victims? To an extent, but those poor householders become victims at the hands of JWs. Therefore, JWs are both victims and offenders.

    Sugarcane nice 'n' sweet

  • dh

    i see the average jehovah's witness as a waste of food & oxygen. the ones who are seduced in and realise it's not for them and have trouble getting out are the ones i see as victims.

  • Terry

    Yes and no. Without equivocation!

    What makes the Jehovah's Witness embrace self-destruction so easily? The answer is: the philosophy of Altruism.

    We live in a society at large that embraces sacrificing your self for others. The destruction of "self" comes easily. Without a SELF we are easy prey. What every normal human being seeks is personal value. The JW messege contains the seeds of achieving value for yourself by service to others. The "others" in this regard is Jehovah and his son, Jesus along with the government composed of serving "slaves" for the "benefit" of mankind as a whole! How happifying! (One of those crackpot JW words).

    You might say, stepping back and looking at the big picture, humanity is bred for slavery by those who are ABLE to enslave it.

    First, you disable the individual by accusing him of selfishness and utter depravity as a worthless sinner. Secondly, you put fear into this quivering lump of flesh by revealing the impending doom that is Armageddon! Lastly, you offer to rescue his feckless hide by guiding him into the all-embracing ark of safety: the Kingdom Hall.

    1.Destroy "self"

    2.Instill fear

    3.Offer a rescue

    Pretty good plan.

    It is at this point you can say the human being is already a victim of a worthless personal philosophy that sets him up to become a victim by choosing this FALSE SALVATION. Self-preservation is a natural inclination of living persons! Making false choices is the result of faulty philosophy and a social system of self-sacrifice.

    ALTRUISM creates victims.

    It is up to each victim which brand of poison he drinks trying to satisfy the unquencable thirst for "self".

    A JW achieves status by service. The rule of thumb is this: more service; more status.

    Thus, by a quirky bit of lethal logic the average JW can sacrifice himself entirely IN ORDER TO GAIN PERMISSION to exist at all!!

    That is the bargain, isn't it---really?

    The wrong philosophy from birth leads to the natural ending of our life in utter sacrifice of self to others to gain permission to exist.

    In ancient pagan society, when the crops failed, a young innocent was selected to propitiate the "gods" by offering their value and all their future potential to fend off the wrath of the deity. The young victim was destroyed for the "greater good" of the society.

    JW's do this all day and all night. It is the same fool's bargain! Destroy what is best in each of us to appease the wrath of the invisible hand of doom and you will be pronounced "worthy". Worthy of what? LIFE! The stunning cartoon logic is mind-boggling.

    You gain your life by giving it away!!

    Anybody who can find logic in that purpose is not just a victim---THEY ARE A FOOL!

    Therefore, the short answer to the question: "Do you see the average Jehovah's Witness as a victim" would be:

    No, they are fools!


  • free2beme

    I do not see them as victims, any more so then anyone who makes a decision to do something as an adult. Children have to do what their parents tell them, while under their roof and when they grow up, they can choose to leave. Although, to some degree the children are often pressured to do things they do not want to do. Example; not celebrate holidays, no sports, etc. Yet, children from all types of families have gripes of what they were restricted on and when they grow into adult years, they can make changes. As adults though, the Witnesses are a selection they made and if they choose to stay, let them. I have a mother, sister, and in-laws that are all still Witnesses and none of them act like victims. Rather they act like normal Witnesses, content and waiting for the end. The faith they have it in that false hope, is no different then all the false hopes other religions teach their followers. So victims???? No!

  • poppers

    Thanks for a great reply Terry. We can always count on you to come up with a beautifully crafted piece that strikes at the heart of things.


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