I am not sure in my case if 'damage' is the right word.
The religion 'robbed' me. It robbed me of over 30 adult years, basically wasted plodding door to door and trying to get others to buy into the fantasy. It robbed me of career, better retirement prospects, sports and intellectual pursuits that were Verboten in the witness culture. It robbed me of friends when I exited, friends that had been close to me for decades that will now not speak to me. It robbed me of individualism, the right to be me. I look in the mirror and say "who is the man starring back at me, what is he about?" and I have no answers.
Even on a Christian level I was 'robbed'. I am now building a relationship with the Father and Jesus that I did not have, nor was I encouraged to have in the organization. I was robbed of a correct understanding of Biblical passages that lead me in directions that I now see were diametrically opposed to real Christianity.
I am recovering - just like one will recover from being hit by a burglur - but some very sentimental things are gone - there is not enough time to replace them. Youth, vigor, lifelong friends, education, career. Other things are gone too - trust being the foremost one among them.
I guess I was damaged. I am thankful to be out - but I still have to fight everyday with my emotions over such great losses. As mentioned in other posts - some have endured far worse than being part of a high control religion and accepting it's wrong teachings - so from that perspective it might be less damage than others have had in life.