For the 5 yrs or so I was involved with the JW's it did damage me,for sure.The control did something to this day,I can over react if I feel like I'm being controled.I am working on it tho,I just tell people I am going to think the way I want and do what I want.I'm not hurting anyone and I can't hurt a bug.So if I'm not hurting anyone its all good.To add,I never harp on someone or get at em for not agreeing with my way of believing or thinking. Each to their own.(just don't hurt anyone)
I did have alot of anixety attacks before I started comming to these boards,everynite I was waking up and freaking that armageddon was here. There was many times,I would still be half asleep,running down the hallways for my kids and even calling out their names.As I'm typing that out,that ticks me off! Damn cult.
I have gotton over alot and I have no anixety anymore.I am at peace but there is still a few glitches that I'm working on.So ,I cannot imagine how hard it must be for people who have grown up in it,or have been in for most of their lives. I feel and hope the best for you all,time will heal. ***hugs***