OK, all you "bleedin' hearts" get ready to flame me....
I have been watching the developments in the devastated areas like everyone else, and something has begun to strike me. There seems to be tens of thousands of people who are just sitting around waiting for help to miraculously drop out of the sky, and the longer they sit idle, the madder they get that the government hasn't swooped in and immediately solved all their problems. I have a few questions about this mindset:
1. FEMA has publicly and agressively advised people who live in areas prone to severe weather for decades to put together and keep a disaster kit (several days worth of water, canned food, batteries, medicine, first aid kit, etc.). Putting together a kit like this is not expensive, and can be obtained a little at a time over the course of weeks. All it takes is taking the responsibility to be prepared to take care of yourself and your family if/when disasters strike and public services are disrupted. So why are there gazillions of people who haven't had food or water since the storm struck? Is this the government's fault?
I'm not talking here about the aged and sickly who need someone else to take care of them. I'm talking about all the 20-30-40 somethings sitting around "bitching". I personally would rather sit on my own roof with my survival kit for two weeks than to sit in a angry crowd of thousands of hungry/thirsty people.
Why is everyone in the mindset that people's hardships in this disaster are all the government's fault?
Ok, flame away!