Katrina Aftermath - whatever happened to personal responsibility?

by EscapedLifer1 54 Replies latest social current

  • Honesty
    I don't need your self-righteous sympathy, save it for the ones truly in need in NO.


    I feel sorry for you that your words have revealed what is in your heart.

  • LyinEyes
    Why is everyone in the mindset that people's hardships in this disaster are all the government's fault?
    Because we pay them to handle these problems. When you hire/pay someone to do something, they don't do it, and you are experiencing personal dire consequences as a result, don't you have the right to be pissed off?


    Well it is Friday,,,,,,,and the Military is finally here in Louisiana.....with much needed supplies.......Finally they have food and water. MY GAWD,,,,,,,,,,why so many days for them to just get at least water.......they could have done this days ago. People have died because of the snails pace of the relief effort.

  • patio34

    This thread is food for thought. An anthropologist would be wrong, imo, to think some of the negative posts represent American culture, response to disasters, blaming the victim, attitudes re empathy, sympathy, or charity. I'm glad and proud to say that it's a minority, because Americans along with most people everywhere, pour out assistance to victims without race or income requirements.

    When someone is in danger of dying, imo, you don't stop to ask how they earned their living and if they were worth assistance in time of disaster.

  • Gerard
    So why are there gazillions of people who haven't had food or water since the storm struck? Is this the government's fault?

    Show us how many cans of food and galons of bottled water you can carry while you swim out of your bedroom window onto the roof.

    The state and Federal response is simply not up to the task. What is pathetic is that all the needed resources are available, but there is a lack of leadership and organization.

  • 3rdEye

    The federal gov't definitely deserves more of the blame. You would think that after 9/11 they would have been more prepared for this. The magnitude of the hurricane was known days before it hit. The feds could have provided transportation for those who were too poor to leave on their own.

    It's been reported that the Army Core of Engineers requested billions of dollars to fix New Orleans' levee system, but Bush on gave them a fraction of what they requested. Seems he had to find money for his Iraq war, and the tax cuts he gave to his rich buddies.

  • juni

    This is for you HONESTY:

    You must've not read my post. I think it is very unfair of you to group us all together in this thread. I think you need to read each of our posts before you make an across the board judgement. If not, then you are putting yourself in the same company of those that you are judging. You're a little younger than I. How many years in the Organization have you been?? Juni

  • stillajwexelder

    Its always the governments fault or somebody elses

  • bisous


    excuse me but don't our tax dollars go to our government to ensure that when the time comes (read *DISASTROUS HURRICANE AND FLOODING* here), they will have a freaking plan of attack that doesn't include thousands of people baking for five days in the sun before they are provided water? food? medical care for injured and infirm?

    I'm sorry but in this case it IS the government's responsibility. Otherwise, as someone else said above, let me keep my god*da*ned tax money ...

  • sandy

    <div>Where is the humanity?

    Instead of complaining about these poor people why not try to help them. Mentor a fatherless child or a low-income child. Show them that they can rise above their lot in life.

    I think we need to change our attitudes. Instead of sitting back and saying "help yourself" we should help others to help themselves. We need to give them the tools to to improve.

    Why are we sitting back and judging people for being poor, uneducated and helpless we should be part of the solution not the problem.

    Of course we cannot help everyone and not everyone is willing to change. But our attitudes need to change.

    It breaks my heart to read all these heartless comments. </div>

  • FlyingHighNow
    It's easy for us to sit here behind our computers and say what people should have done when we really have no idea what's going on.

    Yes it is and some of you, you sound a loy like those smug witnesses at the KH, who turn their backs on the weak and the sick, because afterall, it must be their fault that they are weak or sick.

    Terri, I love you and Mulan, too. I have to ask you this though, when is the last time you tried to walk for miles and miles while being dehydrated in 90 and above temperatures, 80 percent humidity and starved half to death? Sometimes you'd love to help yourself, but if you've ever been super dehydrated, even in an air conditioned buidling, I can tell you that you're often too weak to hold a cup. I've lived in that heat. Sometimes you can drink gatorade all day and still not be able to function in the heat.

    Bisous, your comments moved me.

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