Why are the JW's so bad?

by DF 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • DF

    I've been studying the bible with a Jehovah's Witness in my town, and I'm rather enjoying it.

    But why do so many people hate the JW's.

    I've researched on my own and have come to the conclusion that they are right on most accounts including the Trinity, Blood, Nationalism... etc...

    And the more arguments I hear against the more I'm drawn into believing what they stand for.

    And every argument I've seen in support of the things JW's are against the more I think the JW's are right.

    So why are they so bad?

  • Stephanus

    "DF" is an unfortunate acronym to use in this forum!

    As for this post, I've got a feeling you're trolling here, but if you are genuine, I suggest you worry about not the doctrinal issues, but the organisational culture. The culture which will first persuade you to cut all contacts with non-Dub friends and family and then reject you and cut you off from all your new family and friends for any of a number of things they deem not to be fitiing in a Dub. The culture which protects paedophiles and further victimises their victims. The culture which will encourage you to give up all personal ambitions for the furtherment of the Organisation, such as asking you to pioneer rather than get a tertiary education or will encourage you to take a low-paying jobs with flexible hours rather than obtaining a rewarding long term career.

    Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
    A: Their lips are moving.

  • gsark

    <"I've researched on my own and have come to the conclusion that they are right on most accounts including the Trinity, Blood, Nationalism... etc...
    And the more arguments I hear against the more I'm drawn into believing what they stand for.
    And every argument I've seen in support of the things JW's are against the more I think the JW's are right.">



    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • DF

    1. How is DF unfortunate.
    2. I know for a fact they don't make you cut contact with non-JW friends because the person doing the bible study with my has introduced me to some of his friends and many of them aren't even JW's.
    3. From what I can see they don't try and encourage you to take low-paying jobs, there's one JW at the Kingdom Hall I've been going to and he owns a construction company, another is a computer teacher.

  • Stephanus
    1. How is DF unfortunate.

    On this forum it's shorthand for "disfellowhipped". Oops! Meant "disfellowshiped", but the typo is good - I'll keep it

    2. I know for a fact they don't make you cut contact with non-JW friends because the person doing the bible study with my has introduced me to some of his friends and many of them aren't even JW's.

    You're drawing a broad conclusion based on one person??

    3. From what I can see they don't try and encourage you to take low-paying jobs, there's one JW at the Kingdom Hall I've been going to and he owns a construction company, another is a computer teacher.

    There'll be exceptions of course, but you only have to read the experiences of those on the board to find that my generalisations tend to pan out.

    Besides, I don't know why you are asking this stuff - you seem to have your mind pretty well made up. Perhaps you're here to try and get someone to confirm that you're doing the right thing - perhaps there's a tiny, nagging voice deep inside you that doesn't quite agree that everything the Dubs are telling you about your new life in Paradise is Kosher.

    Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
    A: Their lips are moving.

  • philo


    I suggest you take one issue, read about it, and then start typing up your thoughts. All you have done here is throw in a couple of topics without addressing them, which in fact mirrors the door-door approach of JWs.


  • logical

    I dont hate JW's.

    I hate the lies they are forced to listen to, the ones they are tricked into believing to be true, the hypocrisy, the deception... and if you cant see it then open your eyes.

  • dedalus

    1) DF=disfellowship, which is excommunication, which is probably what you'll get if you decide you disagree with doctrine. Doctrine = anything the Organization publishes + the local elders' personal prejudices.

    2) If the JW you study with has non-JW friends, cool. No one said there aren't liberal-JWs. I wonder, though, how much time your JW instructor actually spends with these friends, and I wonder what his status is in his congregation. Is he a mere publisher, or an MS, or an elder? And how old is he (how old are you)?

    3) Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Well, I got kicked out of my house for wanting to go to college. That was before the "new light" said college was okay so long as you were going for a trade. The point isn't money so much as not having a job that occupies too much of your time, so that you can spend more hours distributing the Organization's magazines.

    Have fun in your new religion! I don't hate JWs and if you want to join, then join.


  • Pathofthorns

    DF, there are many things that are "unwritten". Things that are "strongly implied".

    Witnesses are encouraged NOT to associate with those outside the religion, except to preach to them. They are considered "bad association" and could influence you because "they do not love Jehovah". Simply ask one of the older "elders" at your friend's congregation. They will tell you this is the case.

    As far as being in low paying jobs, this is not a general rule, but the result of their not encouraging higher education. Most Witnesses work in trades or have cleaning businesses and women often do secretarial work. The mentality is to "get by" financially and devote more time to preaching.

    You need to do more research and ask more questions NOW. You will not be as free to do this once you are baptized into the religion (no matter what you are told).

    As I said, many things are "unwritten" and only learned over time once you become a member. Even many members are unaware of things regarding the early history of the religion, since these things are not discussed.

    Stephanus mentioned that it is the "culture" that is harmful. This is only something you will find out by a)lots of research or (b) the hard way after devoting years of your life to the religion. It is not that your conductor or other Witnesses are bad people. It is that they know nothing else and have failed to examine their own religion critically.


  • nelly136

    hate? why would we hate the jws, we used to have family that were jws.

    . http://www.jw-media.org ......shunning does not affect family life hahahahaha

    . http://www.witnessesonline.com
    . http://www.greatcrowd.com think you'll prefer these, everyone speaks the same language as you and no dissention is permitted,


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