Rescue inequality?

by Simon 63 Replies latest social current

  • under74

    AND...I don't think any of my posts have been deleted if they have I'm oblivious. I think you're offended by what I've wrote because I'm siding with people outside of our country EVEN though our government F***ed up royaly. Am I being condescending?

  • pr_capone

    "AND...I don't think any of my posts have been deleted if they have I'm oblivious."

    Listen you git and READ the whole post for a change.

    The thread where the posts were deleted were because Simon deleted the whole thread.

    If you had bothered to read the whole thing that I wrote as opposed to getting all anxious to increase your post count, you might have caught it.

    "And that is not including the posts in *** the thread simon deleted *** or others I just didnt bother to look up."

    Not that your posts were deleted.... Simon deleted the whole damn thread. Then... in his apology thread, you start in all over again!

    As to your reply....

    "I think you're offended by what I've wrote because I'm siding with people outside of our country EVEN though our government F***ed up royaly."

    I will ask you to not analyze me. You do not know me, you do not know how I feel, you dont know a THING that has anything to do with me. Do NOT tell me how I feel. I am not offended that you feel the way you do. The way you feel or who you side with will not make my day tommorow any brighter or any worse.

    "Am I being condescending?"

    I'm not sure... have you looked up what it means yet or are you still not sure?

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • under74

    Being condecsending is an attack. I'm done with this. If you don't like what I have to say in my posts then don't read them. Also, although I've not used "Amerikkka" I understand why it's used. Again if it offends you don't read the political threads.

  • under74


  • pr_capone

    I am actually really irked that I tried to come off nice to you and you go off on me saying that I am being condescending.

    Much less when you dont even know what it means.

    I'll put it out here for ya....

    con·de·scend·ing :

    1. To descend to the level of one considered inferior; lower oneself.
    2. To deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner.

    In my post to you I actually PRAISED you for taking the time and effort to go and write to whom needed writing.

    I asked if you had ever considered running for political office because you seem to want things to change. I dont know if you had ever considered it, if not, then I was putting a bug in your ear.

    I am scared of the way things are going in the world today. People who actually have a concience and a drive do actually do things right, especially here in the states, are sorely needed.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Eyebrow2
    It seems that there is a definite underclass in American society and the double standards is breathtakingly blatant.

    America is probably a great place to be well-off ... but it sucks to be average or below.

    As someone that has actually LIVED in the US, most of my years spent well below average, and just maybe the last 4 or so somewhat middle class (maybe lower middle class) I don't agree with that statement at all. I think there are underclasses in many societies..not just the US. This whole hurrican business is awful..yes...the government failed the people in this case...YES. BUT I am just as upset at the local and state govern in LA right now. After all, why didn't the city and the state make sure those in Ward 9 and the other low lying areas could actually get out if they wanted to? That isn't FEMA's fault. If New Orleans and the state had done a better job making sure there was resources for the poor to get out, then there wouldn't be such a huge mess for Bush and FEMA to screw up even more. Back to your sucks to be poor anywhere. You don't have to be rich to have a decent life in the US...and I am really getting tired of hearing those that have never lived here say that.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    SA, from the point of view of one who's been both "average or below," it does suck. This isn't a ridiculous blanket assertion.
    Well, sure. No one said it was fun not to have as much money as you want, but the resources to change one's plight are available for the taking. It is our responsibility to make our own fate in this world.

    Not fun, you say, SA? Not fun, huh. It's much, much less than not fun and NO, the resources to "change one's plight" are NOT easily available for the taking. I was disabled for approx. 5 yrs., during which time I was df'd, so was cut off from everyone I knew, including family. There WAS NO help. I tried and tried to get SSI/SSD during that time, but to no avail.

    Have you seen Brenda Cloutier's thread where it took her TWO AND A HALF YEARS to get approved for SSI/SSD??? I wound up homeless more often than not. And here in Texas, if you're disabled and homeless, you're up the proverbial creek when it comes to getting help. You can get food stamps ONLY. And there aren't enough food stamps given to the individual to last for the month they're supposed to cover. That means no place to live, no essential toiletries, no clothing, no baths, no laundry, so no job, even if one is able to work. Oh, couldn't one stay at the Salvation Army shelter? Sure. For 5 bucks a night. And only temporarily.


  • under74

    LOOK, I know what the word means. What I didn't know until you just wrote it is that you were trying to be nice. You might have been trying to be nice but it came off as superior. If I misjudged that I'm sorry....however when a post starts out asking whether I vote and singling out my posts for the past 2 days after a crisis in my country has been going on for 6 days and trying to give me advice as to how to change things... I can take that the wrong way.

  • under74
    Not fun, you say, SA? Not fun, huh. It's much, much less than not fun and NO, the resources to "change one's plight" are NOT easily available for the taking. I was disabled for approx. 5 yrs., during which time I was df'd, so was cut off from everyone I knew, including family. There WAS NO help. I tried and tried to get SSI/SSD during that time, but to no avail.

    Right on Frannie, My mom's gone through the same much for all the votes she's made and taxes she's paid over the years.

  • Eyebrow2
    Eyebrow2 is disheartening to hear of your experience...a shame too that it was here in Texas.

    I have only been here just about 2 years, but I do know a few people that have been in situations where they needed assistance from the government, and they got it. I don't if the difference is because they have young kids, but they were able to get help.

    I think what makes a lot of difference in general is having someone to help get assistance. As in, having a friend or relative help you in applying for services, etc. And, here in Texas, it sure as heck doesn't hurt to belong to a church in many cases (as long as it isn't the Kingdom Hall hahah).

    Anyway....the whole hotel guests bus thing...that was disgusting, but I think what has happened there is an extreme. Some areas of the country is worse than others, but I still think this is a better country to be poor in than most.

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